Neural Network Flashcards
What is a neuron?
What is an activation function?
What are the most common?
NN formalism
What is the hypothesis class of a NN?
What type of functions can be implemented using a neural network?
Sample complexity.
What is the runtime of learning a nn?
What is the solution?
Matrix notation. Forward propagation algorithm.
General construction of NN for a given Boolean formula
How do we learn the nn parameters?
What is a sensitivity vector?
How to compute sensitivities for a given datapoint (x,y)?
Backpropagation algorithm
How we can regularize NN?
What are the issues of traditional NN?
What are CNN?
How the Convolutional product works? What are its properties?
What is padding? Relu? Pooling? SUbsampling and its properties
What is ADAM? How it works?
What are the techniques to avoid overfitting? And how they works?
What is the Loss Function for CNN?