Neural Control of Respiration Flashcards
The nervous system controls homeostasis of the respiratory system via controlling.
pH, CO2, & O2
Central chemoreceptors detect
arterial (PCO2) pH only
Central chemoreceptors are the most important factor for control of respiratory rate (PCO2).
They are located in the brain. They respond to pH in CSF which is dependent on CO2 that crosses the blood brain barrier. CO2 can cross the blood brain barrier & CSF. It forms carbonic acid which forms acid & decreases the pH which react with the central chemoreceptors.
Peripheral chemoreceptors detect
partial pressure of arterial low O2, high CO2, & low pH
In the aortic & carotid bodies (not in the sinuses like in the baroreceptors). The cells in the bodies are called Gloma cells, they respond to hypoxia (low PO2). Low PO2 closes down a potassium channel & the cell depolarizes. Then we open up calcium channels, calcium rushes in & stimulates neurotransmission which activates afferent CN 9 - Glossopharyngeal nerve & sends afferent signals to the brainstem.
Effect of intact or denervated peripheral chemoreceptors on respiratory minute volume. A period of hypoxia lowers O2, increases CO2 and H+, this activates the chemoreceptors and Ventilation increases. Inactivation of the chemoreceptors not only abolishes the response to hypoxia, it reduces Ventilation. This likely results from a toxic effect of hypoxia on the medullary respiratory center.
Brainstem generates
basic breathing rhythym
2 areas of the medulla (brainstem) responsible for maintaining breathing pattern are
ventral respiratory group neurons VRG
dorsal respiratory group neurons DRG
together they are the central pattern generator
Therefore, breathing is neurogenic, while the heart is myogenic (pattern generated in the SA node).
In inspiration: DRG &/or VRG, passive or active, what muscles are used?
The DRG & VRG (motor synapses) are active & synapse with the phrenic (diaphragm) & other synapses innervate spinal nerves which innervate the external intercostals.
See pg. 252-253
In expiration: DRG &/or VRG, passive or active, what muscles are used?
The VRG are active & synapse with motor neurons that innervate the internal intercostals (abdominals only during expiration–they are also innervated by VRG).
Describe the Hering–Breuer inflation reflex
The Hering–Breuer inflation reflex is a reflex triggered to prevent over-inflation of the lungs. The Hering-Breuer inflation reflex is an inspiratory-stopping reflex of vigorous breathing mediated through the slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors via vagal afferents and phrenic efferents. Overinflation triggers vagal afferents.
It is thought not to be important in human adults during normal breathing because the threshold for activating the stretch receptors is not typically reached during eupnea. It becomes important when tidal volume increases during periodic deep breaths (sighs), during exercise and during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when patients breathe at high lung volume (high FRC) due to increased pulmonary compliance.
During normal breathing, eupnea, the lung is not inflated enough to trigger this reflex. It is triggered during deep breathing.
The respiratory control centers, denoted pontine respiratory group and respiratory center are located in the _____ and _____, respectively.
The respiratory control centers, denoted pontine respiratory group and respiratory center are located in the pons (pontine) and medulla, respectively.
These centers establish and modulate the neurogenic respiratory rhythm and receive input from peripheral and central chemoreceptors and also from higher centers in the brain.
See pg. 255
What generates the pacemaker activity of the respiratory rhythm?
The VRG also contains the Bötzinger complex (BOT), a cluster of mostly expiratory neurons in the ventro- lateral medulla essential to the generation of pacemaker activity associated with the respiratory rhythm and modulated by afferent input and higher brain centers, but the exact mechanism of rhymicity of breathing is not known. This complex is the target of drugs aimed at stimulating breathing when breathing is depressed, say, by an overdose of opioids.
Therefore, the VRG contains the central pattern generator
The DRG & VRG are influenced by the
Pontine respiratory group
The pontine respiratory group (PRG) located in the pons, probably functions to fine-tune the respiratory pattern and modulates the pattern in response to vagal afferents responding to hypercapnea or hypoxia.
Rhythmic pattern of breathing is generated in the
Medulla, DRG & VRG, it contains the central pattern generator
In contrast to the myogenic beating of the heart, breathing is neurogenic. The central pattern generator (CPG) for respiration is located in the medullary respiratory center, which is located below the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain and is comprised of the dorsal respiratory group (DRG) and ventral respiratory group (VRG).
See pg. 257 & 251
Describe Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Cheyne-Stokes respiration: an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by alternating periods of hyperpnea and apnea, each cycle taking from 30 sec to 2 min associated with altered arterial partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide that occur in injuries to the respiratory centers, chronic heart failure, carbon monoxide poisoning, strokes, brain tumors and in newborns with immature respiratory centers, or in some individuals receiving morphine or in some individuals during sleep at high altitude.
See pg. 258
Describe Cluster breathing
an abnormal form of breathing associated with stroke, head trauma, pressure, or a lesion in the lower pontine region of the brainstem characterized by closely grouped series of shallow breaths similar in size separated by intervals of apnea and generally indicative of a poor prognosis.
See pg. 258
Descibe ataxic breathing
Ataxic breathing, an abnormal form of breathing associated with a lesion in the medullary respiratory center characterized by a completely irregular series of inspirations and expirations with irregular pauses and increasing periods of apnea typically progressing to complete apnea.
See pg. 258