NEURAL CODE Flashcards
Intracellular recordings
– Action potentials from targeted cell
– Subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations
Extracellular recordings
– Action potentials (spikes) from nearby cell(s)
– Sort spikes based on, e.g., shape, to individual cells
– Subthreshold fluctuations summed from nearby cells
– These are called “local field potentials” (LFP)
Size and shape of electrode contact or tip
– A small exposed metal contact or tip of electrode has a high resistance (harder for currents to flow through)
– Smaller the exposed metal contact or tip of electrode, smaller the brain area we sample
Electrode impedance
– Impedance is a measure of resistance plus electrode capacitance (avility to store change)
– Smaller the electrode contact or tip, higher the electrode impedance
– E.g., fine metal tip with only a few microns exposed metal would have a high impedance
(>1 megaohm) and be able to isolate spikes from individual neurons
– Fine metal tip electrode needs to be within 10’s-of-microns from neuron to record spike
– E.g., typical ECoG surface electrode with a larger exposed metal contact might have a
lower impedance (around 0.25 megaohms) and not be able to isolate individual neurons
Local field potential (LFP) from extracellular depth electrode
– Reflects, e.g., up to 1,000-ish cells
– Derived mainly from within 250 microns of electrode tip
LFP from electrocorticography (ECoG)
– Intracranial recordings from epilepsy patients
– Performed to localize seizure activity (but also research)
– Electrodes on exposed brain surface (subdural)
– Derived mainly from superficial layers of cerebral cortex
EEG signals
– Reflect, e.g., 100s-of-thousands to millions of cells
– Summation of synchronized activity of neurons
with similar spatial orientation
– Predominantly derived from pyramidal cells in cortex
– Electrodes above scalp (arranged in cap for ease of use) i.e., non-invasive
– Skull smears EEG signal, degrading source localization
– Deep brain structures inaccessible to EEG
– Poor spatial resolution, but good temporal resolution
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI)
– Excite hydrogen atoms with magnetic fields
– Measure emitted radio frequency signal
– Indirect measure of neural activity
– Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) changes with neural activity
– Reflects subthreshold membrane potentials
– I.e., better correlated with LFP than spikes
– Spatial resolution, e.g., 2x2x2mm3
; better than EEG
– Poor temporal resolution (e.g., sample every 2s)
– Brain subdivided into cubes called “voxels”
– Common voxel size 2x2x2mm3 or 3x3x3mm3
– ≈100,000 voxels common for FMRI study
Small effects, e.g., 2% change in signal
Spike rate code
number of spikes in a given interval
– Much, much evidence for rate coding across the brain
– Generally speaking, increasing stimulus intensity, increases number of spikes (up to a point)
Pooled response code
number of spikes from multiple cells in a given interval
– Combining activity from many cells reduces “noise” from variability of individual cells
Labeled-line code
Vector formed from joint firing of multiple neurons
Which neurons fire as well as the number of spikes is important here
Potentially more information in spike train than just number of spikes?
Spike train is a series of spikes
– Spikes do not always re-occur after a fixed time, i.e., there is variability in spike timing
– Is it simply “noise” in the system?
– Or could it be useful information?
Spike timing codes
Temporal codes
– Spike pattern code
– Spike-phase code
Spike timing codes
Spike pattern code, i.e., temporal pattern of spikes in a given interval
Each interval is divided into several smaller time bins
Spike-phase code
Network oscillations provide a temporal reference frame or clock
e.g., spike timing relative to phase of oscillations
Pattern classifier
Algorithm using multivariate neural activity to predict
what image category or class present at time of recording
Training Step for Decoding
– Use subset of data to train classifier
– Classifier learns relationship between pattern of neural
activity and experimental condition (category or class)
– Linear and non-linear classifiers (dashed lines in figure)
Test Step for Decoding
Classifier predicts category in which new data belongs
FMRI data
– Generally need to average over many trials
– Decoding FMRI data from a single image
presentation significantly reduces accuracy
What neural signal to measure?
– Spikes, but requires invasive technique
– LFP, but requires invasive technique
– FMRI is non-invasive, but not portable
– EEG is non-invasive and portable
Neural prosthesis
– Stable long-term neural recordings from large numbers of neurons
– Efficient (real-time) computational data analysis
– Brain plasticity to incorporate feedback from effector (e.g., brace)