neural circuits Flashcards
excitatory neurotransmitter - promotes AP
binds to NMDA and AMPA receptors
glutamate receptors
ionotropic - AMPA, NMDA - ion channels, rapid changes in membrane potential
metabotropic - activate intracellular cascades, neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission
the nervous system
detects change, recognises change, executes specific behavioural problem
patch clamp methods
pipette based: high contact between electrode and cell - cell-attached recording method
planar: whole cell, no electrode, grow cell into hole
configurations of patch-clamp
cell-attached - single channel currents and dwell times
inside-out - removes membrane using pipette
intracellular environment (ions, channels, receptors)
outside-out - membrane exposed to extracellular environment = inside out patch - synaptic transmission and receptor kinetics
perforated-patch - agents create pores so ions can pass, access to intracellular components while maintaining membrane integrity
loose-patch - loose seal, minimises disruption, measures synaptic transmission
problem with patch clamp methods
cannot label many cells
limited ability to label specific cell type and live labelling
epifluorescent microscopes
function: stimulation of fluorescence by excitation light
dichroic mirror = reflect emitted fluorescence away from excitation light path
generates high contrast + resolution by using high numerical aperture objective lens
use of fluorescent dye = emits fluorescence at distinct wavelengths
difference between patch clamp and sharp electrode recordings
patch clamp = higher sensitivity of individual cells, higher spatial resolution
found in jellyfish
used to label cell membranes, visualise intracellular organelles, track gene expression and protein localisation
absorbs blue/ultraviolet light at a particular wavelength and emits green fluorescence through fluorescent
principles of GCAMP
protein of modified GFP and a calcium-binding protein and a third protein
it is a fluorescent and calcium-binding protein
when calcium binds, brings GFP closer = brighter fluorescence
good indicator of intracellular calcium levels
how does GCaMP indicate changes in intracellular calcium levels
changes fluorescence in response to calcium binding
neurons brighter when calcium levels rise
benefit of using confocal microscope
better resolution in z axis
uses pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus light
scans across specimen in a raster pattern
3D data sets
peak absorption wavelength = 470nm
primary function in optogenetics = modulates membrane potential by allowing ion flow upon light activation
flow of sodium when light activates
permeable to sodium and potassium
exposed to light, influx of positive ions depolarises membrane = action potentials
stimulated by yellow light
transmits chloride (hyperpolarisation)
inhibits neuronal activity and making the neuron more negative than resting potential
cajal and Golgi dye
cajal = fine details of dendritic trees
Golgi dye = labels neurons sparsely
issues of enhancer traps
cannot stain individual neurons
cant combine morphological and electrophysiologicology of same cell
sharp electrode recordings
records changes in membrane potential = action potentials
1. no solution change in or out of cell
2. limited possibility for controlling MBP due to depolarisation
3. cannot measure single channels
visual system - 3 types of stimuli
two main pathways of visual system
ventral (information) - from V1 to temporal lobe
dorsal (localisation) - from V1 to parietal lobe
lateral geniculate nucleus
relays information from retinal ganglion cells via optic nerve and tract to V1 cortex
layers = magnocellular (light), parvocellular (colour, fine detail), koniocellular
retina components
pupil - regulates light
lens - focuses images onto fovea
fovea - highest visual acuity, no rods many cones
optic disk - natural blindspot
ganglion cells
bipolar cells - connect photoreceptors and ganglion
rest - photoreceptors at the back - lower acuity with rods + cones
horizontal cells - receive input from photoreceptors
amacrine cells - receive input from bipolar cells
feedforward neurons
photoreceptors (rods (dim) and cones (bright))
bipolar cells (glutamatergic so release glutamate)
ganglion cells (output cells)
feedback neurons
horizontal (inhibitory)
amacrine cells
layout of retina
3 layers of neurons
2 layers of synapses
photoreceptor layer (outer nuclear layer)
inner nuclear layer - bipolar, horizontal, ganglion
ganglion cell layer
on cells
light = less glutamate into bipolar cells
ON bipolar cells depolarise activating ON ganglion cells
centre surround organisation
off cells
don’t generate action potentials when light flashes
don’t use iontropic ampa receptors - use metabolic glutamate receptors (mGLuR)
removal of cGMP not required for channel closure
OFF bipolar cells depolarise is dim light and activate OFF ganglion cells
inner plexiform layer
layer of synapses
four synapses between bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells
receptive field
area of retina when illuminated activates a visual neuron
centre-surround organisation
illumination of the center leads to responses in opposite polarities = DEPOLARISATION
due to glutamate release from photoreceptor cells
inhibitory surrounding - input from horizontal cells releasing inhibitory neurotransmitters onto bipolar cells = HYPERPOLARISATION
types of ganglion cell
parvocellular - small dendritic trees and small receptive field with centre surround organisation
magnocellular - larger receptive field and dendritic trees, reacts to different colours
activated by dim light
more cyclic GMP
activated by bright light
light causes reactions in photoreceptor cells
activate g-coupled protein receptors and phosphodieterase
hydrolyses cGMP to GMP
decrease in intracellular cGMP
non-selective channels close = hyperpolarisation
reduces release of glutamate = electrical signals
important features of sound
sound frequency - cycles per second (10(3))
sound intensity - range = 10(12)
onset - helps localise
3 chambers of cochlea
scala vestibula - perilymph (low potassium, normal calcium, high sodium)
scala media - endolymph (high potassium, low calcium and sodium - endocochlear potential = +80mV
scala tympani - perilymph
cochlea spiralled to extend hearing frequency range and fit more sensory cells
organ of corti
sensory hair cells
connections frome nerve fibres to auditory nerve
on basilar membrane
hair cell resting gradient
electrical gradient of 140mV between scala media and hair cells (vital for function)
how sound stimulates sensory hair cells
wave enters ear
passes into cochlea creating a travelling wave along the basilar membrane
sound of frequency causes maximal movement of basilar membrane at a location = characteristic frequency location
lower vs high frequency sound
low = travels further and maximal movement towards apex
high = travels less and causes maximal movement to the base
low energy
= tonotopically organised (high at base, low at apex)
place frequency code
brain interprets position of active inner hair cell as a specific sound frequency
Neural firing rate used to encode sound intensity
inner hair cells
encode all auditory information and pass onto nerve fibres
have stereo cilia hair bundles arranged in size difference
mechanosensitive ion channels are at tips of short stereo cilia - connected to taller stereo cilia using tip links
open channels = resting inward current carried by potassium (pos to neg inside cell)
potassium > large electrical gradient = large conc gradient for potassium exit
IHC - rest
Slight tension causes MET channels to be slightly open = inward current of K+ ions down an electrical gradient
Internal electrical charge is negative in IHC
Large concentration gradient for K+ causes slight depolarisation (MP becomes less negative to resting potential)
IHC - sound
excitatory phase push hair bundles towards stereo cilia, increasing the tension
larger MET current as more K+ flow
depolarisation of IHC - activates calcium and potassium channels
mature hair cells respond with graded receptor potentials
IHC - response to inhibitor phase of sound
deflect to shorter stereocilia
turns off MET current
hyper polarises below RP = little neuronal activity
IHC - response to sustained sound
afferent activity (cycles of depolarisation and hyperpolarisation)
hair bundles pushed back and forth
tight seperation between endolymph and perilymph = K+ enters down electrical gradient and leaves via chemical gradient
outer hair cells
shorten and lighten in time with frequency = electromobility
work as cochlear amplifier
V shaped hair bundle
voltage gated potassium channels
prestin molecule = allows electro mobility
OHC at rest
the same as IHC
positive feedback off OHCs
increase movement in basilar membrane
increase stimulation of IHC hair bundles
OHCs amplify stimulation of IHCs
OHC amplification of basilar membrane
OHC electromotility amplifies the basilar membrane motion over a narrow CF region
BM movement is greatly increased with cochlear improvement
results in highly tuned IHC
areas involved in ventral stream
columnar organisation (neurons organised into columns) of the cortex
ocular dominance - process visual info from one eye to the other
orientation - respond to horizontal or vertical stimuli
direction - process direction of motion stimuli
blobs - process colour, input from parvocellular cells
simple cells in V1
elongated receptive field
respond to bar shaped stimuli presented at specific orientation
located in layers 4 and 5 of V1
integrate inputs from multiple retinal ganglion cells
complex cells in V1
respond stimuli at different orientations
position invariance - respond to stimuli at any point of their receptive field
integrate inputs from multiple simple cells with overlapping receptive fields
layers 2,3,5
summary of receptive fields downstream of V1
increase in complexity and receptive field size
neurons in higher visual areas respond to more complex features
Jennifer aniston neuron
showed the existence of single neurons in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) that selectively respond to highly specific visual stimuli (e.g Jennifer Aniston)
showed hierarchical organisation
issues with discovery of Jennifer aniston neurons
poor in scale and orientation variance - may not respond to picture if at diff scale or orientation
study didn’t consider wider brain networks
relied on intracranial recordings - small amount of neurons and invasive