Neu Mar 2023 Flashcards
von kindheit an erzogen
they are brought up from childhood
wenn ich ein beispiel finde, werde ich es bringen
if i find an example i’ll jump on it
es wäre zu einfach das so zu bezeichnen
it’s too easy to put that label on that
ich bin ehrlich mit dir / to tell someone the truth about something
to level with someone
adjective: good condition; good
to talk to someone as if they are less intelligent than you or not important
talk down to someone
ist hochnäsig/ trägt die nase oben
nose up in the air
mich da rausziehen zB aus einem Hobby
to pull oneself away from something
es vernebelt das gedächtnis
it dulls the memory
das gefühl dahinter
that feeling behind it
to learn how to do something, esp. when it is not simple or obvious:
get the hang of something / you got the hang of it
tun wir mal so
let’s pretend
feeling or showing that you think you are better or more important than other people