Networks and flows Flashcards
What is a bipartite graph?
A graph whose node set can be partitioned into two sets, X and Y, such that every edge connects a node in X to a node in Y.
What is a matching in a bipartite graph?
A set of edges with the property that no node appears in more than one edge.
What is a perfect matching?
A matching where every node in the graph is matched to exactly one edge.
What is the Bipartite Matching Problem?
The problem of finding the largest matching in a bipartite graph.
How does bipartite matching relate to network flow?
It can be formulated as a maximum-flow problem in a flow network derived from the bipartite graph.
What is a flow network?
A directed graph with edge capacities, a source node, and a sink node.
What are the two main properties a flow must satisfy in a flow network?
- Capacity conditions: 0 ≤ f(e) ≤ c(e) for each edge e.\n2. Conservation conditions: For each internal node, inflow = outflow.
What is the goal of the Maximum-Flow Problem?
To find a flow with the maximum possible value from the source to the sink.
What is the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm?
An algorithm to find the maximum flow in a network by repeatedly augmenting flow along paths in the residual graph.
What is the residual graph?
A graph that represents the remaining capacity for flow augmentation in a flow network.
What is an augmenting path?
A simple path from the source to the sink in the residual graph, used to increase the flow.
What is the bottleneck of an augmenting path?
The smallest residual capacity of any edge on the path.
What happens during an augmentation in the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm?
Flow is increased along forward edges and decreased along backward edges of the augmenting path.
What is the Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem?
In a flow network, the maximum value of an s-t flow is equal to the minimum capacity of an s-t cut.
How is the value of a flow defined?
It is the total flow leaving the source (or equivalently, the total flow entering the sink).