NETWORKS Flashcards
What are the factors that influence the choice of a network?
- Cost of network
- Size of organisation
- How the system will be used
- Linking to existing systems
- Performance required from the system
- Security issues concerned with the network
Advantages of networks
- Printers can be shared - save money
- Program’s can be shared
- Data can be shared between all work stations
- Users can communicate with each other
- Users can email
- You don’t have to use the same computer
- Can monitor the work of individuals
- Can control (access rights) what workers do on the computers
Advantages of WIFI
- Able to set up a simple network LAN at home
- Freedom of working anywhere within range of signal
- No need for cables
Disadvantages of WIFI
- Power consumption is high, laptops will use battery quickly.
- Security issues with encryption of data
- Maybe health problems - radio waves?
- Have limited range - further you are the weaker the signal
- Possible interference with other signals
Disadvantages of networks
- Expensive to purchase and maintain - large businesses would employ staff/technicians to maintain the system.
- If a network breaks down everybody is affected
- Special security measures are needed to stop users from using program’s and data that they shouldn’t have access to.
Advantages of a bus network
- Cheapest + easiest system to set up + install
- If one computer breaks others will work
- Easy to add on other workstations
Disadvantages of a bus network
- Because there is only one cable supplying all the computers the transmission of data is slow going backwards + forwards
- The performance of the network slows down when there are more users
- If cable fails - computers from that point will not work
Advantages of a client server system
- Work is backed up centrally
- Better security + management systems
- Processing tasks will be quicker than peer to peer systems
Disadvantages of a client server system
- Set up costs are expensive
- Require specialist personnel to manage the system
- If server breaks all computers will be affected
Advantages of a peer to peer system
- Initial set up costs are low
- Simpler to set up + maintain
- Less chances of crashes because it doesn’t depend on a central server
Disadvantages of a peer to peer system
- Data can be difficult to find
- Security + back up not centralised so more difficult to control
- More difficult use, users will have to be trained to use the system
Explain a peer to peer system and what are the uses
A group of workstations networked together no central server used. Each workstation communicates with each other, data can be shared from one computer to another.
USES - small office or companies - less than 15 computers
Explain a client server system and what are the uses
This system is set up with a central server that stores all the data and controls the use of all the workstations connected,
USES- medium to large organisations, more than 15 computers
Advantages of a ring network
- Network not dependant on central computer
2. Each computer has the same access as the others so no ones computer can hog the network
Advantages of a star network
- Fault tolerant - if one of the cables fail, then the other computers can still be used
- Easy to add extra computers - without disturbing the network
Disadvantages of a ring network
- If there is a break in the connection then the whole network fails
- Faults are difficult to locate
- It is impossible to keep the network running whilst equipment is added or removed because there is only one path for the data to follow
Disadvantages of star network
- Higher cost - the large amount of cabling needed makes it more expensive
- Dependence on the central server
What is network management software?
- enables system manager to control all of system
- keeping track of software updates
- security patches are current and working
- able to install and uninstall software
- able to monitor the use of all workstations
How can software systems be used to reduce security threats? \ what are the security strategies?
- Use of passwords
- Virus checkers [deliberate and accidental]
- Firewalls to prevent hacking [deliberate]
- Encryption - keep data a secret when sent over a network - bank details etc
What are user accounts?
- created by system manager so that only people who are allowed to use the system can access the system
- manager can control access rights - only certain things can be done on the system - cannot install software etc access certain data or folders
- users can change passwords + desktop settings + manage their files and work
What are log ins and audit trails?
- every time user logs in software would record every activity carried out under the log in name and password
- all files accessed and edited
- all documents printed
- Internet pages visited
( system can be used to monitor staff and used as evidence of abusing system or even hacking attempts made)
Regular back ups of data
- save the work on a regular basis
- take discs off site in case of fire or theft
- make more than one copy of backups [raid system]
- grandfather father and son method
Disaster planning, what could go wrong?
- Software bugs - virus
- Hardware breaking down
- Deliberate damage - planting virus, vandalism, bomb, fire , hacking
- Accidental damage - deleting files accidentally
Reasons for disaster planning
- Get the system work again ASAP
- Minimise disruption to company
- Can lose money - possibility of bankruptcy
- Losing data can cause loss of customer confidence
- Prosecution if negligence can be proven
Regular back ups of data?
- Save the work on a regular basis
- Take discs off site in case of fire or theft
- Make more than one copy of back ups [raid system]
- Grandfather father and son method
Compare and contrast relative advantages and disadvantages of ring and star topologies
Advantages of ring - network mot dependant on central computer, each computer has the same access as others so no one can hog the network
Advantages of star
Fault tolerant - if one of the cables fails, then the other computers can still be used
Load tolerant - extra computers can be added without much loss in performance because all computers have their own path to the server
Easy to add extra computers - extra computers can be added without disturbing the network
Disadvantages of ring
If there is a break in the connection then the whole network fails
Faults are difficult to locate
It is impossible to keep the network running whilst equipment is added or removed because there is only one path for the data to follow
Disadvantages of star
Higher cost - the large amount of cabling needed makes it more expensive
Dependence on the central server
A network manager uses remote management when managing the network. Describe four tasks that the network manager could do using remote management
- see which users are using the network
- check on emails being sent when should working
- check in which sites employees visit
- check on hardware to see what needs upgrading
- check to see right number licenses
- guide users through problems
Peer to peer and client server are two types of computer network compare and contrast the two types of network
Peer to peer cost saving no server is needed, so a, computers can be the same, client server more expensive - servers are expensive to buy
Peer to peer status - all machines have same status no network manager is needed - all users take responsibility for the network, client server - on machine more important than the rest need specialist knowledge
Easy to set up - they are the simplest of computer networks, can be set up by anyone (peer to peer) , (client) network operating systems require technical knowledge to set up and maintain
Peer to peer - no reliance on a server no worry about the server breaking down, client server - if server breaks down network is unusable
Lower operating costs - less set up and maintenance costs, (client) cost of setup and maintenance is higher
Peer responsibility - users decide what resources other can use on their computer, users need little specialist know,edge as administration is performed centrally