Networks Flashcards
Data Transmission:
Serial, Parallel
Sends one bit at a time
Sends multiple at once
Occuring at the same time, data sent at regular intervals, synchs up with computer’s clock, used with parallel transmission.
Not occuring at the same time, uses start and stop bits to temporarily synchronise computer.
Start bit causes synching, computers specify how many bits will be sent, stop bit represents all data has been sent.
Bit Rate:
The rate at which data is sent.
Baud Rate:
The rate at which signals can change.
The maximum data that can be sent at the same time.
Delay between components.
A set of rules which relate to communication over the internet and between devices.
Physical Topology:
How the hardware is actually laid out.
Logical Topology:
Describes how the network works, how data is sent around the network.
Centre of a Star:
Hub (Sends data to all devices on network), Switch (Sends data to specific devices on network), Router (Sends data between networks).
Network Hardware:
Network Interface Controller (Allows devices to access networks), Wireless Network Adapter (allows devices to communicate wirelessly over the internet), Wireless Access Point (allows other Wi-Fi devices to connect to the internet), Repeaters (boosts signal in optical fibres), Gateway (allows data to flow from one network to another)
Used more often, consists of 32 bits meaning there are 4.2 million different IPs but we’re running out so IPv6 is being introduced.