Networking Flashcards
What linux command will show you the ports that a service is listening on?
netstat -nplt
What linux command shows the connections to a port?
netstat -anp | grep etcd
What is the default port for the kube-api service?
What is the default port for the kube-scheduler?
What is the default port for the kube-controller-manager?
What is the default port for the etcd server?
What is the default port for the etcd server communications on multiple master nodes?
What port does the kubelet listen to on each node?
What port do the workder nodes listen to for services?
What service configures the CNI?
What is the linux command to check the kubelet config?
ps -aux | grep kubelet
How would you check for CNI plugins?
ps -aux | grep kubelet
ls <path></path>
How would you check the CNI config?
ls /etc/cni/net.d
What path does CNI store it’s plugins?
What is the directory where CoreDNS stores it’s config file?
How is the Corefile passed into the CoreDNS POD?
The conf file is passed to the nodes as a configmap object kubectl get configmap -n kube-system
What is the command to get ingresses?
k get ingress
*Generally you would want to specify -A for all namespaces