Network Threats Flashcards
What is Malware?
Malware is software that is designed and destroy computers and computer systems.
What is phishing?
A scam by which an e-mail user is fooled into reavealing personal or confidential information which a scammer can use.
What is social engineering (attacks)?
Deception to gain personal information.
What are brute force attacks?
A hacking method that uses error to crack passwords.
What are denial of services attacks?
An attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it unreachable to its intented users
What is data interception and theft?
Stealing data
What is a SQL injection?
Using web forms to add SQL instructions to a query that cause data loss or the reavealing of personal information.
Why do hackers use SQL injections?
When a hacker cannot see vulnerabilities in the system.
What does SQL stand for?
Structured Query Language
List three softwares that harm a computer
- Malware (Virus)
(worms, Trojans and ransomware)
What types of prevention methods stop malware harming a computer?
Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware or backup and recovery procedures .
What are worms in computer science?
A worm is a form of malware copies itself in order to spread to the computers.
They slow down networks and computers
What is a Trojan Horse Virus
A type of malware that downloads onto computer disguised as a recongnized program.
What is a ransomware?
A malware designed to deny a user or access to files on their computer.
What is an encryption software?
Prevents unauthorized access to sensitve data.
What is a defragmentation software?
Rearranges fragmented data so your disks and drives can work more effciently.
What is data compression software?
It can dramatically decrease the amount of storage a file takes up.
What are two types of data compression?
Lossless and lossy
What is penetration testing?
Penetration testing is the practice of deliberately trying to find security holes in your own systems
What is anti-malware software?
Software will detect malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware.
What are firewalls?
Protect from unauthorized access with a firewall.
What is a user access levels?
User access levels define what information the different users on your account can access and edit.
What are passwords?
A secret word that must be used to gain access to a place.
What is encryption?
Encryption is the process of disguising a message so that it cannot be understood by anyone for example the Caesar cipher: You replace the letters with other letters.
Example: Vhh brx wrqljkw see you tonight
What is physical security?
It is the protection of hardware, software, networks and data.
What is a user interface?
It provides a method for users to interact with a computer
What is memory management and multiasking?
Memory management- manages programs and data stored in RAM, frees up memory when a program is closed.
Multitasking- running two or more programs at once.
What is peripheral management and drivers?
The management of devices such as mice and printers.
What is a user management?
Management of usernames and passwords along with what they have permission to access.
What is a file management?
A file management system is used for file maintenace operations.