Network And Internet Technologies Flashcards
3G / 4G (LTE)
Generations of mobile (cellular) phone
technology that consists of a high-tech
infrastructure of networks and web 3G/4Genabled handsets such as smartphones. 4G is
also known as LTE.
802.11 a/b/g/n
Specification used to indicate whether a device has a wireless adapter (for Wifi). The letters indicate the speed that the wireless network is capable of
Add-on/Extention (browser)
A third-party app that can be downloaded to extend the functionality of a browser beyond browsing,e.g. translator utilities and ad blockers. Also known as a browser extension
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A permanent digital connection to the internet using a normal landline or telephone line
Moving messages from your inbox to an archive folder without deleting them
Acceptable Use Policy. A policy that outlines the rights and responsibilities of its users, especially in networked environments
In networking, a cable connecting different LANs
The total amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another in a given period of time. Normally measured in Kilobits per second (Kbps) or mMegabits per second(Mbps)
Bookmarks(Web Browser)
An option that allows a user to store shortcuts to the web pages they frequently visit. Also known as favorites.
A group of compromised or infected computers connected to a network such as the internet and controlled remotely to attach other machines by infecting them with malware, sending spam, etc.
A high-speed, high-bandwidth connection to the internet
Bring Your Own Device. A policy where people are allowed to bring their own computinh device(laptop,phone or tablet) to school or work and use it instead of relying on equipment owned or supplied by the school or company. They connect to the school or company network using WiFi.
Temporarily storing recently accessed web pages on disk so that they can be loaded more quickly the next time they are requested.
The limited amount of data that can be downloaded and uploaded in a month without having to pay extra
A test to determinewhether it is a human being interacting with the computer. It usually takes the form of dustorted letters and/or words that no computer software can recognise, but which humans can.
Computers connected to a network that use services and resources from the servers
Distributed processing
A type of processing where the processing that is necessary to solve a problem is distributed among computers(multiple servers in different data centres), which increases the total processing power
Distribution list/Mailing list(email)
A list of email addresses grouped under a single name. An email sent to this mailing list will be sent to all email addresses on that list.
The general term for any type of business transaction done via the internet
Electronic Funds Transfer. Transferring money from one account to another using the internet and internet banking
Electronic mail. The composing, sending, and receiving of messages electronnically over a network including the internet
Fibre cable
A type of network cable that uses light to send data and is therefore very fast
A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet. It checks which programs are trying to access the internet from your computer. It can consist of hardware or software or a combination of both.
File Transfer Protocol. The protocol(rule for communication) used for the fast, easy transfer of files between remote computers that have an internet connection.
Grid computing
A system whereby the resources of different computers are shared and used at the same time to solve a single problem.
Home Area Network. A small network within a home environment that connects devices such as computers, printers, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs and gaming devices
History(web browser)
An option that allows a user to find the web pages they have previously visited. When you click this option, it shows a list of sites you have visited
Home page
The first page of a website, which contains information about the websites’s purpose and content. It also provides links to other web pages and resources in the site.
The area in which a WiFi signal can be detected and used
A built-in connection to another place in a document(web page, resource), often indicated as text underlined in blue.
Instant Messaging(IM)
Live electronic communication usually between two people using computers or other devices such as smartphones. IM apps can share bot only text, but images and video, and can make both voice and video calls using VoIP technology
A worldwide computer network, consisting of computers, devices and networks that are linked using some form of communication media.
An organisation’s private network which is an internet-like environment consisting of web pages relating to the organisation’s business. The information stored on the intranet us only available to the organisation’s employees
IP Address
Internet Protocol Address. A numerical address that uniquely identifies a computer or device, either on a network or on the internet
Internet Service Provider. A company that has a permanent fast connection to the internet. They sell internet access and services to individuals or organisations for a monthly fee.
ISP-Based email
When usinh ISP-Based email, you access your email by using software such as Microsoft Outlook on the device where your account settings have been configured
Local Area Network. A network that connects computers in a small area such as a school, university campus or company offices in one building.
The next generation of high-speed cellular connectivity after 3G, also known as 4G
Near Field Communication. A standard or technology that allows electronic devices to connect wirelessly and exhange data, simply by touching them together or bringing them close together. NFC is mainly used for payment processing.
Network Interface Controller. A controller thaf connects the computer to a cabled network, allowing the computer to communicate with the network
Personal Area Network. A network organised around an individual or a couple individuals with a range of a few meters.
A third-party app that the browser can call on to display specialised content such as Flash video
Pop-up(Web browser)
A small web browser window that appears on top otlf the website that you are viewing. They are usually created by advertisers and often open as soon as you visit a website
Real-time messaging
Online echange of messages in real time. It includes IM and chat.
A network device that enables devices to connect in a network and to allow internet connectivity, using either fixed line or wireless such as Wi-Fi