Network Analysis Flashcards
Looking for patterns in data over a specific
type of data
Data Mining
Performing well-defined computations or asking well-defined questions (“queries”)
Basic Data Manipulation and Analysis
Machine Learning
Using data to make inferences or predictions
Graphical depiction of data
Data Visualization
Edges can be
undirected or directed
A real-world network is modeled in the computer as a
Some nodes are connected by
Edges or links
A set of nodes
vertices, singular vertex
Properties specific to graph structure
Basic Data Manipulation and Analysis
Asking well-defined questions
Data Mining
Looking for patterns
Machine Learning
Making inferences or predictions
Data Visualization
Graphical depiction
Data Collection and Preparation
Density of graph
of edges ________________________
# of possible edges
Maximum shortest distance in graph
Diameter of graph
Shortest path (or shortest distance)
between given pair of nodes
Shortest paths in graph
Sets of fully-connected nodes
Cliques in graph
Average shortest distance to all other nodes (inverted so higher is “better”)
Closeness centrality of a node in a graph
Number of shortest paths the node lies on
Betweenness centrality of a node in a graph