Nervous System: Nerves Flashcards
Nerve Cells
- Neuron = nerve cells (Use neuron in answers)
- Neurons are the basic functional units
- They vary in size and shape, but all have a cell body and two types of extensions: dendrites and the axon.
Nervous Tissue
- Neurons outside the central nervous system have axons with a myelin sheath created by Schwann cells, which wrap around the axon.
- The outermost coil of the Schwann cell is called the neurilemma, which helps in the repair of injured fibres
- There are gaps in the myelin sheath at intervals along the axon called nodes of Ranvier
- The axons and dendrites of neurons are known collectively as nerve fibres
- Outside the CNS, nerve fibres are arranged into bundles called nerves
- White matter is referred to as an axon covered in a myelin sheath and is white as the myelin sheath is made up of a phospholipid bilayer which is fatty and because fat is white, the axon is described as white while dendrites which doesn’t have the myelin sheath is referred to as grey matter.
- Nerve impulses are passed from neuron to neuron across a synapse
- At the synapse the neurons do not actually join – there is a very small gap between them
- Messages have to be carried across the synapse
- A similar synapse exists where an axon meets a skeletal muscle cell
- This tiny gap is called the neuromuscular junction.
- The neuron transmitting through the axon terminal to the dendrites of the receiving neuron is called the pre-synaptic neuron and the receiving neuron is called the Post-synaptic neuron.
Types of Neurons: Multipolar
- One axon
- Many dendrites from the cell body
- Motor Neurons
- Interneurons
Types of Neurons: Bipolar
- One axon
- One dendrite from the cell body
- Sensory: eye, ear and nose
Types of Neurons: Unipolar
- One axon
- No dendrites connected to the cell body
- Not in humans
Types of Neurons: Pseudo-Unipolar
- One axon that divides in two
- No dendrites connected to the cell body
- Sensory neurons
Recap of Electricity
- Elements that have a different number of protons to electrons are called IONS
- There are two types of electrical charges of ions, positive and negative
- For example:
- Sodium exists as Na+
- Chlorine exists as Cl-
- Like charges repel
- Opposite charges attract
- The force that pulls unlike charges together can be measured and its strength increases as the charges get closer
- If a group of positive and negative charges are separated, they have the potential to come together and release energy
- The potential, or potential difference, between two places can be measure
- It is called the voltage and is measure in volts (V) or millivolts (mV)
Membrane Potential
- If there is a difference between the concentration of ions inside and outside a cell, there would be a potential between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane
- This occurs in all body cells: there is a difference in the ion concentration on either side of the cell membrane
- The nerve fibre (inside of an axon) (intracellular fluid) is more negatively charged than the extracellular fluid by a difference of about 70 millivolts
- The resting membrane potential of neurons is due mainly to differences in the distribution of potassium ions (K+) and sodium ions (Na+) on either side of the cell membrane
- The potential difference created is called the membrane potential and it is particularly large in nerve and muscle cells.
- The membrane potential of unstimulated nerve cells, known as the resting membrane potential, can be measured and is about -70 mV
- This means that the potential of the inside of the membrane is 70 mV less than that of the outside
- The cell membrane maintains this potential difference in two ways
- It actively moves ions across the membrane: This actively is described as a sodium-potassium pump that transports sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions in.
- The cell membrane is not equally permeable to all ions
- There are large number of negatively charged ions trapped inside the cell
Action Potential: Overview
- If a sufficiently strong stimulus is applied to a nerve fibre, the membrane becomes more permeable to sodium ions
- Sodium channels open a little so that sodium ions diffuse across the membrane and into the cell
- This inward movement is too great to be balanced by and outward movement of potassium ions and the membrane becomes depolarised
- Depolarisation occurs only if the level of stimulation exceeds a certain threshold
- If the stimulus is strong enough to cause a change of about 15 mV (-55mV), then then movement of sodium ions proceeds independently of the stimulus; that is , the size of the response is not related to the strength of the stimulus
- This is known as an all-or-none response
Action Potential: Step 1
- A stimulus causes sodium to leak into the neuron
- Sodium channels open a little so that sodium ions diffuse across the membrane and into the cell (-55 mV)
- Not action potential, leading to have an action potential
- Threshold:
- If enough sodium diffuses in to reach threshold (-55mV), the sodium voltage-gated channels open.
Action Potential: Step 2
- Sodium floods into the neuron causing the original polarity of the membrane to reverse and the inside become positive relative to the outside
- This is called depolarisation
- Na+ gate open
Action Potential: Step 3
- At +15mV, the sodium voltage-gated channels close, and the potassium voltage-gated channels open
- Causing potassium to rush out of the cell
- This restores the membrane to negatively charged on the inside, so this is called repolarisation
- K+ gate open
- Na+ gate close
Action Potential Step 4:
- At -70mV the potassium voltage-gated channels close but a little more potassium leaks out than necessary causing the cell to become slightly more negative: hyper-polarisation
- Running in the background is the sodium potassium pumps (3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in), returning the sodium and potassium to their original positions, ready to fire again when needed
- Almost as quickly, the membrane is restored to its original condition
- This rapid repolarisation – repolarisation of the membrane is called an action potential
- K+ gate close
After Action Potential
- The movement of the action potential along a nerve fibre is the nerve impulse
- During an action potential, and for a very brief time afterwards, the part of the nerve fibre cannot be stimulated to respond again
- This is called the refractory period
Conduction along unmyelinated fibres
- In an unmyelinated nerve fibre, depolarisation of one area of the membrane causes a local current flow between neighbouring areas on the membrane
- This current flow causes depolarisation immediately adjacent to the site of the original stimulus
- The process repeats itself along the whole length of the membrane so that the action potential moves along the membrane away from the point of stimulation.
- The myelin sheath insulates the fibre from the extracellular fluid so that ions cannot flow between the inside and outside of the membrane, and an action potential cannot form
- In this case, the action potential jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next because the myelin sheath is absent from the nodes.
- Because of this jumping conduction, known as saltatory conduction, the nerve impulse travels much faster along myelinated fibres.
Conduction of Nerve Impulses
- The same size of a nerve impulse that travels along a fibre is always the same
- A weak stimulus, provided it exceeds the threshold, produces the same action potential as a strong one, an all-or-none response – a stimulus is either strong enough to trigger off an impulse or it is not.
- The magnitude of the impulse is always the same
- There are two things that enable us to determine the strength of a stimulus:
- A strong stimulus causes depolarisation of more nerve fibres than a weak stimulus
- A strong stimulus produces more nerve impulses in a given time than a weak stimulus
Transmission across a synapse
- As the action potential reaches the axon terminals, depolarization triggers threshold of calcium voltage-gated channels.
- Calcium rushes into the cell and binds with vesicles (containing neurotransmitters) in the axon terminal
- This causes the vesicles to migrate to the edge of the cell and attach to the cell membrane
- Exocytosis occurs, releasing the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
- The neurotransmitters diffuse across the cleft/gap and attach to receptors on the membrane of the next neuron
- (Usually) initiating a new action potential/impulse in the next neuron
- For example: acetylcholine, adrenaline, dopamine and histamine
- The transmission of nerve impulses across a synapse will only occur in one direction - from axon to dendrite or from axon to cell body
Effects of chemicals on the transmission of nerve impulses
- There are many chemicals, both natural and synthetic, that influence the transmission of nerve impulses.
- Most of these work by affecting transmission at the synapse or at the neuromuscular junction.
- Stimulants such as caffeine and Benzedrine stimulate transmission at the synapse.
- Other drugs, such as anaesthetics or hypnotics, depress the transmission.
- Venom from certain species of snakes and spiders also affects the neuromuscular junction.