Nervous System And Transmitters Flashcards
Hows the nervous system split
Central nervous system:
Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system:
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system:
Sympatic ns
Parasympatic ns
How’s the peripheral ns split
Somatic ns
Autonomic ns:
Sympatic ns
Parasympatic ns
What does the brain do
Provides conscious awareness and is involved in all psychological processes
Occipital lobe
Processes visual information
Temporal lobe
Processes auditory information
Parietal lobe
Integrates information from the different senses and plays an important role in spatial navigation
Frontal lobe
Is assosiated with higher order functions including planning, logic and abstract thinking
Spinal cord
Transfers messages to and from the brain and rest of the body
Also responsible for simple reflex actions
Somatic nervous system
Carry sensory information from the outside world (via our sensors) to the brain and provide muscle responses
What does somatic ns consist of
Sensory receptors:
carry information to the spinal cord and brain
Motor pathways:
Which allows the brain to control movement
Autonomic system
Important for homeostatis
Only consists of motor pathways
Sympathetic ns
Parasympathetic ns
Sympathetic ns
Involved in responses preparing the body for flight or fight.
Increased heart rate or BP
Parasympathetic ns
Returns body back to normal resting state after fight or flight
Hows the CNS work
Nerves in our body send information via spinal cord to the brain
The brain then processes this information and sends a message to body via the spinal cord
Neuron’s in the brain pass messages along through electrical impulses
Neurotransmitters are released and cross the sympathetic gap to be picked up by receptor sites
What is quicker nervous system or endocrine system
Endocrine system is hormones in blood which is slower then NS which is transmitters
whats a neuron
they pass infomation around the inside of the brain
they recieve and pass messages from cell to cell
what deos a neuron have
one side is dendrites
from the nucleus there is a long extension called an axon, which reaches to an axon terminal
axon terminal of one neuron reaches the dendrites of another
explain synapse
between dendites of one neuron and axon terminals of another is the synapse
on one side there are receptors of a certain shape prepared to recieve the neurotransmitter from the other neuron
if neurotransmitter fits the receptor then the message is passed on if not its blocked.
main parts of neuron
cell body- contains the nucleus which houses genetic material. cell body also contains mitocondria which provides neurons with energy
attached to the cell body are dendrites that recieve messages to trigger an action potential within the cell
attached to the cell body is an axon that passes the electrical impulse towards the axon terminal.
around the outside of the axon are layers of fatty deposits called myelin sheaths and the breaks in between are called nodes of ranvier
at the end of the axon are axon terminals. these pass nerve impulses from the cell body to parts of the body they control or activate. they contain tiny sacs called vesicles that store neurotransmitters
whats noradrenaline
a neurotransmitter that is associated with emotions, particulary mood control
whats dopamine
a neurotransmitter related to emotion and cognitive functions
used in hormone regulation
what is serotonin
a neurotransmitter associated with mood control in particulary limbic system in the brain
presynaptic neuron
neuron sending the messages
postsynaptic neuron
neuron recievig the message