Nervous System Flashcards
What is Saltatory?
Impluse jumping along the Axon of Neurone
What is the repratory period?
No impluse can go past - Recovery period after impluse sent.
Sodium potassium pump regulates
What is the difference between an axon & a Dendron?
Dendron recieves the information from the last neurone an takes it to cell body and the Axon takes the impluse away from the cell body.
What is a motor end plate?
The end of neurone before impluse jumps to the next neurone
Oligodendrocytes are found in the CNS, their function is too?
Insulates the neurone, allow Faster Impluse
Microgila are found in the CNS thier function is to?
Eat bacteria & dead tissue - Phagocyte
Astrocytes are found in the CNS thier function is to?
Support & Blood Brain Barrier
Scwhann Cells are found in the PNS their function is to?
Enable damages Axons to Regenerate
Sensory receptors in the somatic nervous system include?
Krause’s End Bulb
Free Nerve Endings
Merkle Disks
Effectors in the somatic system include?
Skeletal Muscles
Sensory Receptors in the Autonomic system include?
Raffini’s Corpurse
Golgi Tendon Organs
Muscle Spindles
Effectors in the autonomic system include?
Smooth Muscle
List the 5 steps to Reflex arc?
- Sensory Receptor Activated
- Sensory Receptor Transmition to the CNS via Sensory Neurone
- Intergration in the C.N.S
- Motor Impluse Transmission from CNS
- The Effectors carry out the Response
Thalamus Function?
Directs messages to the right side of brain
Cerebral Cortex Function
Support Membrane, outer edge of brain
Cerebrum Function
Thinking & Learning
Pons function
Bridge Connection to the cerebellum
Mid brain function
Controls Eye Movement
Hypotalamus Function
Area of Homeostatsis e.g Thirst, Hunger
Controls endocrine through the Pituitary Gland
The function of the Medulla Oblongata
Controls Vital Centres
such as Respiratory, Cardiac, Coughing, sneezing & Swallowing
Function of Cerebellum is?
To ensure movements are smooth, controls fine motor skills.
How many Cervical Spinal Nerves are there? Where do they supply?
8 Cervical Nerves
supply the
Skin of Neck
Shoulders & Arms
How many Thorasaic Spinal Nerves are there? Where do they suppy
12 Thorasaic Nerves
Supply the
Upper Back
How many Lumbar nerves & Where do they supply?
5 Lumber nerves
supply the
Abdomen, Back & Femeur
How many Sacral Spinal Nerves are there? Where do they Supply?
5 Sacral Nerves
Supply the
Lower Digestive System
There is 1 Coccygeal Spinial Nerve, Where does this supply
Skin of peritoreal
& the
Lower Buttocks
List 5 things the Sympathetic Nervous system does
Increase Heart Rate
Increase blood Supply to the heart muscle
Decreases digestive system
Decreased Urine production
Increase Respiration
Immune System Decreases
Dialation of pupils
List 5 thins the parasympathetic nervous system does
Decreases Respiratory
Increases Digeston & Nutrients
Decreases Heart Rate
Increases Urine Production
Constriction of Pupils
From the Spinial Cord out to the bone list all the layersof the Spine
Gray Matter
White MAtter
Pia Mata
Cereberal Fluid - Sub Archiniod
Dura Mata
Epidural Fat Layer
from the Bone to the centre Spinal Cord what are the correct order of layers in the spine?
Epidural Fat Layer
Dura Mata
Cerebral Fluid - Sub Archiniod
Pia Mata
White Matter
Gray Matter
Sensory (Afferent) info is picked up by a Receptor that send an impluse along a Sensory Neurone to the CNS. Here the infomation is processed and a Response is made. A Motor (Efferent) impulse is sent along a Motor Neurone to an Effectors.
Now fill in the Blanks
_ _ (afferent) info is picked up by a_ _ that sends an impluse along a_ _ neurone to the CNS. Here the information is_ _ and a response is made. A _ _ (Efferent) impluse is sent along a_ _ neurone to an _ ._
What is the resting membrane maintained at?
What is the ratio of the sodium potassium pump?
3 Na out & 2 k in
Resting potential
Action Potential
Point of Impluse
When the soduim potassium pump is at resting potential what else is inside the axon?
Plasma Protiens
What is a chemical that opens a chemical gate & Na (Sodium enters) enters the nerone?
Whne thershhold is reached at -50 an volt gates open to let the sodin taking the voltage to?
Action Potential
If a neurone is myelinated the impluse will jump what is this called?
Saltatory Conduction
At the axon terminals the neurotransmitter is released into the gap to enable the impulse to pass to another neurone. what is this gap called?
List all the parts of a neurone and think of where they are postioned
Dendreites (Dendron)
Cell Body
Myelin Sheath (Schwann Cell)
Nodes of Ranvier
Terminal Branches & Buttons
Glands Cardiac & Smooth Muscle are all?
Effectors in the Autonomic System