Nervous System Flashcards
Nerve cells that conduct nerve impulses
Neural circuit through the spinal cord that provides the framework for a reflex action
Reflec arc
Insulated covering on the axon of a nerve cell
myelin sheath
Regions between neurons, or between neurons and effectors
synaptic cleft
Division of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
Regularly occurring gaps between sections of myelin sheath along the axon
Nodes of renvier
Minimum level of a stimulus required to produce a response
-55Mv (threshold potential)
Outer lining of the cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral cortex
Projections of cytoplasm that carry impulses towards the cell body
Division of the nervous system that relays information between the body and the CNS
Process of restoring the original polarity of the nerve membrane
Chemicals that are released into synaptic cleft
Cushioning fluid that circulates between the innermost & middle membranes of the brain & spinal cord
cerebral spinal fluid
Recovery time required before a neuron can produce another action potential
refractory period
Nerve tracts that join the left and right cerebral hemispheres
Corpus callosum
Neurons that carry impulses from the CNS to effectors (ex. muscles)
motor neurons
Region of brain that acts as a relay station sending nerve messages between the cerebellum & medulla
Special type of glial cell that produces myelin sheath in the PNS
shwanns cell
Area of the brain that coordinates and interprets sensory information and directs it to the cerebrum
Extension of the cytoplasm that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
The voltage difference across a nerve cell membrane when a nerve is excited
action potential
Part of the hindbrain that controls limb movements, balance, and muscle tone
Diffusion of sodium ions into the nerve cell resulting in a charge reversal
Deporlarization (+35Mv)