Nervous System Flashcards
What are the 3 types of neurons?
- Sensory neuron
- Interneuron
- Motor neuron
What is the fibre length of a SENSORY neuron?
- Long dendrites
- Short axon
What is the fibre length of a MOTOR neuron?
- Short dendrites
- Long axon
What is the fibre length of a INTERneuron?
- Short dendrite
- Long or short axon
Where are sensory neurons located?
its cell body and dendrites are outside the spinal cord
(more specifically, the cell body is in the dorsal root ganglion)
Where are motor neurons located?
its cell body and dendrites are inside the spinal cord, axon is outside the spine
Where are interneurons located?
entirely in the spinal cord (only in CNS)
What’s the function of a sensory neuron?
conducts impulses to the spinal cord
What’s the function of a motor neuron?
connects the sensory and motor neurons
What’s the function of an motorneuron?
conducts an impulse to the effector (muscle or gland cell)
What is the function of the hindbrain?
functions in homestasis, movement coordination, and conducting info to the brain
What are the 3 sections the brain is divided into?
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- Hindbrain
What is the function of the medulla oblongata?
Controls lots of homeostatic functions
(like breathing, heart/blood vessel activity, swallowing, vomiting, and digestion)
What is the function of the cerebellum?
Coordinates body movement
Receives muscle/joint info, and visual and auditory info
What is the function of the cerebrum?
Center for processing info and responding to it