Does PPP extend to Valporic acid too?
Valproic acid - when to withdraw?
If patient experiences Sx of pancreatitis or hepatic dysfunction
For BPD and migraine prophylaxsis (unlicensed)
MHRA advises that valproate must NOT be used
Can be used in epilepsy if there is no alternative
Lithium concentrations should be taken after ____ hrs
Patient and carer advice for Lithium
should report signs of Lithium Toxicity, Hypothyroidism, renal dysfunction (polyuria+ polydipsia) and intracranial HTN (persistent headache + visual disturbances)
Anti-depressants should be continued for how long after remission
6 months (12 months in elderly) for depression
12 months for GAD
Those with Hx of recurrent depression = 2 years
Hyponatraemia symptoms for Antidepressants
confusion, convulsions + drowsiness
Second choices after SSRI not effective
increase dose or switch to different SSRI
Or mirtazapine
Third line: Lofepramine or moclobemide or robextine
TCA + Venlafaxine = severe depression
Irreversible MAOi = specialist initiation only
Failure to respond to second antidepressant =
adding another anti-depressant of a different class or use of augmenting agent
Paroxetine, Escitalopram or sertraline (unlicensed)
Duloxetine or Venlafaxine.
More sedative TCAs ( better for anxious pts)
Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Trazadone, Dosulepin
Less sedative (better for depressed pts)
Imipramine and Lofepramine and nortriptyline
Safest TCA
Highest anti-muscarinic SEs TCA wise
The TCA(s) most likely to cause Hepatoxicity
Isocarboxazid + Phenelzine
Monitoring requirements for Mianserin (TCA)
FBC every 4 weeks for 3 months. Monitor for Sx of blood disorders.