Nerves/Roots and Blood Flashcards
Glut Max Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Inferior Gluteal nerve; L5, S1 and 2
Blood = Superior and Inferior gluteal a
Glut Medius Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Superior Gluteal nerve; L5, S1
Blood = Superior gluteal a. and Ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex a.
Glut Minimus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Superior gluteal nerve; L5, S1
Blood = Superior gluteal a. and Ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex a.
TFL Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Superior gluteal nerve; L5, S1
Blood = Superior gluteal a. and Ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex a.
Piriformis Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Ventral rami S1, S2
Blood = Superior and Inferior gluteal aa.
Superior Gemellus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Nerve to obturator internus; L5, S1
Blood = Inferior gluteal and Medial femoral circumflex aa.
Obturator Internus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Nerve to obturator internus; L5, S1
Blood = (Pelvic part) Obturator a. (Extrapelvic part) Medial femoral circumflex a.
Inferior Gemellus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Nerve to quadratus femoris; L5, S1
Blood = Medial femoral circumflex a.
Obturator Externus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Posterior division obturator nerve; L3, L4
Blood = Anterior branch obturator a.
Quadratus Femoris Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Nerve to quadratus femoris; L5, S1
Blood = Medial femoral circumflex and 1st perforating a.
Pectineus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral nerve; L2, L3
Blood = Anteror branch Obturator a.
Iliopsoas Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
N: Iliacus - Femoral n; L2, L3
Psoas major - Ventral rami L1, L2
Blood = Femoral and Medial femoral circumflex aa.
Sartorius Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral n; L2 L3
Blood = Femoral a.
Rectus Femoris Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral n. L2, L3, L4
Femoral a.
Vastus Lateralis Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral n. L2, L3, L4
Blood = Femoral and profunda femoris aa.
Vastus intermedius Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral n. L2, L3, L4
Blood = Femoral and profunda femoris aa.
Vastus medialis Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Femoral n. L2, L3, L4
Blood = Femoral and profunda femoris aa.
Adductor Longus Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Anterior division, Obturator n. L2, L3, L4
Blood = Anterior branch obturator a.
Adductor Brevis Innervation, nerve roots, blood supply?
Anterior division Obturator n. L2, L3, L4
Blood = Anterior branch, Obturator a.