Nerves of Thoracic Limb Of Dog Flashcards
What is the axillary artery a continuation of and where does it extend from?
Continuation of the subclavian and extends from the first rib
Where does the axillary nerve extend to?
Extends to the conjoined tendons of the teres major and latissimus dorsi
What are the 4 branches of the axillary artery?
(In order of which they branch off) external thoracic artery, lateral thoracic artery, subscapular artery and cranial circumflex humeral
What is the brachial plexus?
Ventral branch of cervical nerves C6-C8 (sometimes C5) and thoracic nerves T1-T2 intermesh and exchange fibres. All major nerves of forelimb originate here.
Which spinal nerves does the suprascapular nerve branch from?
Where is the suprascapular nerve found?
Between the supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles
What does the suprascapular nerve innervate?
Supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. Supports shoulder laterally, abducts limb
What happens when the suprascapular nerve is injured?
Atrophy if shoulder muscles, scapula spin becomes more prominent, animal can walk but has lateral slip
Does the suprascapular nerve have any cutaneous innervation?
What spinal nerves does the subscapular nerve branch from?
Where does the subscapular nerve branch to?
Subscapularis muscle
What does the subscapular muscle nerve innervate?
Subscapularis muscle: supports joint medially, adducts limb. No cutaneous branches
What spinal nerves does the musculocutaneous nerve branch from?
Where is the musculocutaneous nerve found?
Descends medial surface of the brachium and has communicating branch with median nerve
What does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate?
Biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis muscles to flex the elbow
What sensory innervation does the musculocutaneous nerve have?
Medial antebrachium