Nerves of the Brachial Plexus Flashcards
What two nerves come from the rami of the plexus
dorsal scapular
long thoracic
dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboids and levator scapula
long thoracic nerve
what two nerves come from the trunks of the plexus
nerve to subclavius
supra scapular
nerve to subclavius supplies
supra scapular nerve
for supra and infra
what things come form the lateral cord of the plexus
lateral pectoral nerve
lateral root of median nerve
lateral pectoral nerve
pec major-clavicular head
musculocutaneous nerve
coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis
lateral root of median nerve
flexor muscles of forearm
5 muscles in the hand
from the medial cord of the plexus
medial pectoral
median root median nerve
medial pectoral nerve
pec major and minor
ulnar nerve
FCU, FDP, most small muscles of hand
posterior cord plexus
upper subscapular nerve thoracodorsal lower subscapular nerve axillary radial
upper subscapular nerve
lower subscapular nerve
subscapularis and teres major
axillary nerve
teres minor and deltoids
radial nerve
triceps, brachioradialis, supinator, wrist extensors, anconeus.