Nerves Flashcards
Gate ways to the posterior scapular region:
What forms the super scapular notch of the scapula?
What structure pass through it?
Structure pass form base of neck and the posterior scapular region
Suprascapular notch of scapula, superior transverse scapular ligament
Suprascapular artery, vein, nerve
What is the horse of the quadrangular space from posterior?
Inferior margins of teres minor
Surgical neck if humerus
Superior margins of teres major
Lateral margins of the long head of the tricep brachii
What structure pass through quatrangular space?
Axillary nerve
Posterior circumflex humeral artery and vein
What is the border of the triangular space?
Median margins of the long head of tricep brachii
Superior margins of teres major
Inferior margin did the teres minor
What structure pass through the triangular space
Circumflex scapular artery and vein
Triangular interval formed by
Lateral margins of long head of tricep brachii
Shaft of humerus
Inferior margins of teres major
What pass through triangular interval
Radial nerve
Profunda brachii artery
And other veins
Inferior boundary of axilla
Nerve of posterior scapular region
Axillary nerve
Form brachial plexus
Where does suprascapular never originate
And what does it innervates
Base of neck from superior trunk of brachial plexus
Passes posterolaterally from its origins through suprescapulsr foramen
Innervates supraspinatus, pass through greater scapular notch (spinogelnoid) between footy of spine of scapular and glenoid cavity
Terminate in and innervates infraspinatus muscle
Axillary nerve
Pathway and innervation
Posterior cord of brachial plexus
Exit axilla by quadraangular space and enter posterior scapular region
Winds around posterior surface of surgical neck of humerus
Innervates deltoid and teres minor
Superior cutaneous nerve, carry general sensation from skin over inferior part of deltoid muscles
What are the three major arteries found in the posterior scapular region?
posterior circumflex humeral
circumflex scapular arteries
What is the quadrangular space syndrome?
hypertropy of muscles around the spcae or fibrosis of the muscles edges, impinge the axillary nerve
weakness in deltoid muscles, atrophy of teres minor muscles
(abduction, lateral rotation etc)
What forms the brachial plexus?
anterior rami of C5 to C8, and T1
What are the different sections of the brachial plexus?
Roots, (C5 to C8 and anterior rami of T1)
Trunks: superior (union of C5 and C6), middle (C7), inferior (union of C8 and T1)
Divisions (anterior and posterior
Cords: lateral, medial and posterior
What makes up the lateral cord
position relative to other structures
union of ant division of superior and middle trunks (C5 to C7)
lateral of second part of axillary artery
What makes up the middle cord
position relative to other structures
continuation of ant divisions of inf trunk
medial to second part of axillary artery
What makes up the posterior cord
position relative to other structures
union of all three post divisions (C5 to T1)
occurs posterior to second part of axillary artery
Branches of the roots:
where does the dorsal scapular nerve originates and innervates
C5 roots of brachial plexus,
poss post, travel long medial border of scapula
innervates the rhomboid major and minor
Branches of the roots:
where does long thoracic nerve originates and innervates
anterior rami of C5 to C7
vertically down neck, through axillary inlet,
down medial wall of axilla
innervates serratus ant and lies on superficial aspect
branches of trunks:
suprascapular nerve
origin and innervation
superior trunk of brachial plexus
laterally through post triangle of neck
through suprascapular foramen, enter post scapular region
innervates supraspinatus and infraspinatus
branches of trunks:
nerve to subclavius muscle
origin and innervation
from superior trunk of brachial plexus
anteroinferiorly over subclavian artery and vein
innervates subclavius muscle
lateral cord branches:
lateral pectoral nerve
origin, path, innervation
pass ant, tgt with thoroco-acromial artery
penetrate clavipectoral fascia (between subclavius and pec minor)
innervate pect major
lateral cord branches: musculocutaneous nerve
origin, path, innervation
pass lat to penetrate corocobrachialis,
between bicep brachii and brachialis
Innervate the 3 flexor muscle in ant compart.
ends as lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
lateral cord branches: lateral root of median nerve
origin, path, innervation
medially to join with branch from medial cord: med nerve
branches of med cord:
med pectoral nerve
origin, path, innervation
receive communicating branch from lat pectoral nerve
pass ant bwt axillary artery and vein
penetrate and innervate pect minor and pect major
branches of med cord:
med cutaneous nerve of arm/ med brachial cutaneous nerve
origin, path, innervation
pass through axilla, penetrate deep fascia, supplies skin over med side of distal third of arm
branches of med cord:
med cutaneous nerve of forearm/ med antebrachial cutaneous nerve
origin, path, innervation
distal to origin of med brachial cutaneous nerve
out of axilla, into arm, branch over skin over bicep b.
penetrate deep fascia with basilic vein, inf to supply skin over ant surface of forearm.
innervate skin over med surface of forearm down to wrist
branches of med cord:
med root of med nerve
origin, path, innervation
join with root from lat cord form med nerve ant to third part of axillary artery
branches of med cord:
ulnar nerve
origin, path, innervation
communicating branch from lat root of med nerve
pass arm and forearm
innervate all intrinsic muscles of hand (except thenar and 2 lat lumbricals)
innervate FCU, FDP
skin over palmar surface of little finger, med half of ring finger, skin over dorsal surf of med part of hand
Median nerve
ant to third part of axillary artery
union of lat and med roots originating from lat and med cord
Median nerve
ant to third part of axillary artery
union of lat and med roots originating from lat and med cord of brachial plexus
into arm art to brachial artery, then to forearm
innervate muscles in ant compartment of forearm (except for FCU and medial half of FDP)
3 thenar muscles of thumb
2 lat lumbricals associated with mov. of index and middle fingers
skin of palmar surface of lat 3 and 1/2 digits and lat side of palm and middle of wrist
Distinctive structure of bracial plexus, to identify
M formed by musculacutaneous neer, lat root of med nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve
over axillary artery
peneration of corocobrachialis by musculocutaneous nerve