Nerve, face and eye stuff Flashcards
Branches of trigeminal
- V1 Opthalmic
- V2 Maxillary
- V3 Mandibular
Opthalmic branches
- Frontal
- Lacrimal
- Nasocillary
Opthalmic provides sensory to where?
-Cornea of the eye
Frontal nerve branches
- Supraorbital
- Supratrochela
Where does V2 or maxillary branch leave the skull?
-Foramen rotundum
Where does V2 or maxillary provide sensory to?
- General sensation to the skin of the face below the orbit and nose
- Supplies upper teeth
- The branch that exits the infraorbital fissure is infraorbital nerve
Mandibular nerve exits where in the skull?
-Foramen ovale
Mandibular Nerve Branches
- Inferior alveolar
- Lingual
Lingual Nerve
- Trigeminal branch provides general sensation to the anterior part of the tongue
- Carries preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers from the facial nerve for taste too the anterior 2/3s of the tongue
V3 provides motor to where?
-The muscles of mastication
Facial Nerve provides motor to where?
-The muscles of facial expression
Obicularis Oculi
- Used to close the eye
- Innervated by the facial nerve
Obicularis Oris
- Helps to close mouth
- Innervationed by facial nerve
- Puckers cheeks
- Innervated by facial nerve
Two Parts of the facial nerve coming from the Pons
1) Motor root
2) Intermediate nerve
The motor root of the facial nerve
Innervates the muscles of facial expression
The intermediate nerve of the facial nerve
- Taste (Anterior 2/3s of the tongue)
- Parasympathetic fibers (Motor to glands)
- Somatic sensory fibers (Small patch of skin around the ear)
Temporalis Muscles
- Inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible
- Posterior fibers retract (ONLY RETRACTOR)
Elevates mandible
Lateral Ptergoid
- Inserts onto the condyle and articular disc
- Protracts and depresses mandible (ONLY PROTRACTOR)
Medial Ptergoid
-Elevates mandible
Mylohyoid and anterior digastric
-depress scapula
Tempromandibular Joint
- Modified hinge joint between condyle and mandibular fossa
TMJ (Movements)
- Rotation (Depression and elevation)
- Translation (Protrusion and retraction)
- Side to side movement
Steps of Mastication
1) LP protracts the mandible
2) Open wider with help of mylohyoid and anterior digastric (Most unstable)
3) Return to stable position because of anterior temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoid elevate the mandible and the POSTERIOR temporalis retracts
Incisal chewing
- Symmetrical chewing
- Front teeth
Side to Side chewing
- Asymmetrical
- Grinding
- 1 condyle is forward on articular tubercle and 1 is not
Tongue Motor Lession
- Tongue will move to side of the effected side
- Genioglossus on affected side isn’t working
- Sticking the tongue out can check the integrity of the hypoglossal nerve
Lateral Rectus 6 (Abducens)
Superior Oblique 4 (Trochlear
All Others 3 (Oculomotor)
Oculomotor innervates:
-Levator Palpebrae
-Superior Rectus
-Inferior Rectus
-Medial Rectus
Inferior Oblique
Opthalmic Nerve (V1)
-Sensory info for the eye
Levator Palpebrae
-Elevates the eyelid
Superior Rectus
-Upward and slightly medial
Inferior Rectus
-Downward and slightly medial
Medial Rectus
-Medial and Adducts
Lateral Rectus
- Abducts eye
- Lateral gaze
Superior Oblique
-Down and out
Inferior oblique
-Up and out
Double vision
One eye is paralyzed
Drooping of upper eye lid
Oculomotor lesion
- Double vision
- Later strabismus
- Loss of accomidation
Trochlear Lesion
- Double Vision
- Weak downward gaze
- Patient has to tilt head downward and out to go down stairs
Abducens Lesion
- Double Vision
- Medial strabismus
- Eye cannot move laterally