Nerve and Artery Branches Flashcards
Mental nerve
Terminal branch of inferior alveolar nerve
Superficial temporal artery
Terminal branch of ECA
Transverse facial artery
Branch of superficial temporal artery
Inferior and superior labial arteries
Early branches of facial artery
Angular artery
Final part of facial artery (gets renamed angular)
Maxillary artery
Terminal branch of ECA
Meningeal branch nerve
Branch of CN V (immediately)
Medial and lateral pterygoid nerves
Branch of CN V3 (motor)
Tensor tympani nerve
Branch of CN V3
Tensor veli palatini nerve
Branch of CN V3
Exception to anterior division of V3
Anterior is small, mainly motor except for Buccal n (sensory)
Exception to posterior division of V3
Posterior is larger, mainly sensory except for Mylohyoid n (motor)
Auriculotemporal nerve
Branch of CN V3 (sensory)
Anterior and posterior deep temporal nerves
Branch of CN V3
Temporal branches of CN VII
Branch of CN V3
Buccal nerve
Branch of CN V3 (sensory)
Inferior alveolar nerves
Branches of CN V3 (sensory)
Lingual nerves
Branches of CN V3 (sensory)
Masseteric nerve
Branch of CN V3 (motor)
Deep temporal (ant and post) nerves
Branches of CN V3 (motor)
Chorda tympani nerve
Branch of CN VII (special sensory)
Middle meningeal artery branches
Frontal (anterior) and parietal (posterior) branches
Anterior meningeal branch
Branch of anterior ethmoidal artery
Mastoid branch
Branch of occipital artery (occipital artery is a branch of ECA)
Middle meningeal vessels
Branches of maxillary arteries
Ophthalmic artery
First branch off ICA
Basilar artery formed by
Coming together of vertebral arteries
PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery)
Branch of vertebral artery
AICA (anterior inferior cerebellar artery)
Branch of basilar artery
Pontine, labyrinthine arteries
Branches of basilar artery
Superior cerebellar artery
Branch of basilar artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Terminal branch of basilar artery
Posterior communicating artery connects
ICA with posterior cerebral artery