Neprhons Flashcards
What does the Bowmans capsule do?
Filtration structure, and it surrounds the glomerulus
What does the proximal tubule do?
Reabsorbs, water and solutes and secretes hydrogen ions
What does the glomerulus do?
Network of capillaries that act as a filtration device
What does the distal tubule do?
Reabsorption of water and solutes and secretions of various substances
What is the capillary network
What does the loop of Henley do?
Reabsorption of water and ions
What does the collecting duct do?
Functions as water, conservation device, and reabsorbs water from the filtrate
What is the arrangement of blood vessels associated with nephrons?
Renal artery—> incoming arteriole—> glomerulus—> outgoing, arteriole—> capillary Netwerk