Nephrology Flashcards
Define anuria
Urine output less than 100 ml per day
Define Oliguria
Urine output less than 400 ml per day
Define Polyuria
More than 3 L in adults or more than 50 ml/kg/day in children
Define microscopic Hematuria
More than 100 RBC/hpf
Less than 100 RBC/hpf with more than 3 occassions
If Eumorphic RBC in urine
Issue in collecting system
UTI/cystitis - ABs 2 weeks
Ca bladder (rare)
If Dysmorphic RBC
Indicates Glomerulonephritis
IOC Glomerulonephritis
Serum C3 levels
Low = repeat test - returns to normal means post infective Glomerulonephritis
or if stays low persistently = autoimmune disease - SLE
Normal = IgA nephropathy in adults or HSP in children
MC autoimmune cause of low Serum C3 level low
MC post infective cause of low Serum C3 level low
MC physiological cause of Proteinuria
Overflow proteinuria, high protein diet or pregnancy
Normal proteinuria levels
0-150 mg/day
Proteinuria less than 2g/day
Proteinuria more than 2g/day
Glomerular range
Less than 3g/day non-selective proteinuria (or 3.5 g/d/m2)
Nephritic syndrome
More than 3g/day selective proteinuria (3.4 g/d/m2)
Nephrotic syndrome (albuminuria)
MC cast present in urine
Hyaline cast
MC cast present in urine in case of Acute kidney injury
Hyaline cast
MC cast found in nephropathic renal disorder
Granular/cellular cast
Presence of RBC cast in Urine
Acute glomerulonephritis
Presence of WBC cast in Urine
Presence of Muddy brown cast in Urine
Acute tubular necrosis
Presence of Eosinophilic cast in Urine
Interstitial nephritis
define KDIGO criteria
used to diagnose acute kidney injury (one of below)
- Rise in serum creatinine by more than 1.5 times the baseline over 7 days
- Rise in serum creatinine by more than 0.3 from baseline over 48 hours
- Decrease in urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg/h over 6 consecutive hours
First step of acute renal failure is?
Exclude post renal cause
i.e. obstructive post renal uropathy, do USG-Kidney ureter bladder
MC pre-renal cause of AKI
Hypovolemia - most common
Rest are acute LVF, hepatorenal syndrome
MC renal cause of AKI
Acute Tubular necrosis > Acute interstitial nephritis»_space; Glomerulonephritis
Most sensitive test for differentiating pre-renal and renal cause of AKI
FeNa fractional excretion of Na
FeNa <1%
Pre-renal cause
FeNa >2%
Renal cause
Features of Pre-renal AKI
Urea:creatinine = 20:1
Urine osmolarity = >500 mosm/L
Urine Na levels = <20mEq
FeNa = <1%
Features of Renal AKI
Loss of concentration ability
Urea:creatinine = <12:1
Urine osmolarity = <350 mosm/L
Urine Na levels = >40 mEq
FeNa = >2% (>4%: ATN)
MC cause of Nephritic syndrome in the world
IgA nephropathy - Burger’s disease
Anti-DNAse/ASO titers for which disease?
PSGN - MC in india
SLE - MC autoimmune cause
Vasculitis syndrome
Anti-GBM ab
Goodpasture’s syndrome
Hemoptysis + Hematuria
Pulmo + Renal syndrome
Vasculitis syn
Goodpasture’s syn
Gold standard investigation for Nephritis
Renal biopsy - pattern and type of Ig deposits
Child <10 years old with edema, anasarca and no atypical symptoms
Minimal change disease
Why edema, anasarca happens in Nephrotic syn?
Hypo Albuminemia = Increased Na and H2O retention
Why Hypercoagulative stage happens in Nephrotic syn?
Anti-thrombin 3/Protein S&C def
Nephrotic condition in adult + HTN/diabetes causes?
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis