Nephrolithiasis, bladder cancer, renal cell carcinoma Flashcards
What is Kidney stone Etiology?
-Stone formation occurs when normally soluble material (Ca, PO4, uric acid) supersaturates the urine and begins the process of crystal formation.
What are the Risk Factors of calcium stones?
- History of prior calcium urolithiasis
- Family history of urolithiasis
- Diet
- Medications
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypercalcemia of malignancy
- Sarcoidosis
- Medullary sponge kidney
Clinical presentation of Nephrolithiasis?
- Renal colic begins suddenly
- Severe unilateral flank pain– radiating to groin/testicle/labia (T10-S4 dermatome)
- Pacing, Rocking, Writhing, Constant movement unable to find position of comfort (contrast to peritonitis)
- Frequently with nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis
- Tachycardia, Hypertension
- Gross hematuria and dysuria/frequency/urgency
- May have CVAT but abdomen is unremarkable
- Testicles are not tender or swollen
What is the diagnosis of Ureteral colic?
-Focused history; severe waxing and waning flank pain often radiating to the grown. (family history of calculi, duration and evaluation of symptoms)
-CVA tenderness
-Urinalysis shows microscopic or macroscopic RBC
-Creatinine may be elevated
Non-Contrast abdomen CT (stone protocol)
What is Staghorn calculi?
Upper urinary tract stones involve the renal pelvis and extend into at least 2 calyces
What is the Pathology of Bladder cancer?
Transitional cell carcinoma
What is the Epidemiology of Bladder cancer?
- 90% >55yo
- Men have more incidence of bladder cancer than women
- Cancers are more common in caucasian – 2:1.
What is the Risk factors
of Bladder cancer?
Cigarette smoking, Occupational exposures
Signs and symptoms of Bladder cancer?
- Painless Hematuria (80-90%)
- Urinary voiding symptoms(LUTS)(20-30%)
- Symptoms of advanced disease
What is the Work up of Bladder cancer?
(Diagnostic standard w/ bx)
-CT scan w/ contrast, U/S and/or MRI
What is the Tnm staging?
- T1 Tumor in wedge subepithelial connective tissue
- T2 Tumor in wedge muscle
- T3: through the muscle layer of the bladder and into surrounding adipose
- T4: spread beyond the adipose and into nearby organs or structures
What is the Prognosis of bladder cancer?
- Overall 10 yr survival is 70%
- Lesions up to T1, especially TA, have 95% survival rate
- Muscle invasive carcinoma 5-year survival rates are 70%
- Regional lymph node involvement 5-year survival rate is 35% and distant mets 5%
What is Treatment for bladder cancer?
-Muscle invasive versus non-muscle invasive treatment modalities
-Non-muscle invasive disease
-Surgery (Endoscopic TURBT, Radical cystectomy)
-Immunotherapy and chemotherapy
(Intravesicle instillation)
What is Renal cell carcinoma?
- the proximal renal tubular epithelium
- 90-95% of all renal cancers
What are the Signs and symptoms of Renal cell carcinoma?
- Hematuria (can be painless)
- CLASSIC TRIAD flank pain, hematuria, flank mass
- Frequent occurrence w/ paraneoplastic syndromes
What’s the imaging of choice to diagnose renal cell carcinoma?
Abdomen/Pelvis CT w/ contrast