……………… (1–5% of the population) is a common cause of emergency room visits and is
often severely painful
All stones form more readily in concentrated urine, so volume depletion may
precipitate them.
Types of stones include:
- Calcium oxalate (70%) and calcium phosphate (10%)
- Struvite/infection (Mg/aluminum/phosphate) (5–10%)
- Uric acid (5%)
- Cystine (1%)
- Indinavir
Calcium Stones (80% of all stones) have several risk factors:
Hypercalciuria may be due to
1– Idiopathic renal hypercalciuria (normal serum calcium)
2– Resorptive from bone: hyperparathyroidism (10- 30% of patients present with stones); multiple myeloma, metastatic disease to bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy (serum calcium high)
3– Increased GI calcium absorption: vitamin D intoxication; increased vitamin D with sarcoid and other granulomatous disease; familial (serum calcium high)
Hyperoxaluria may be due to
1– Primary familial oxaluria
2– Enteric: with fat malabsorption as in Crohn’s disease, the fat binds to calcium, leaving unbound oxalate to be reabsorbed in increased amounts, then excreted into the urine.
Hypocitraturia may be due to
– Urine citrate is a stone inhibitor, binding with calcium. Patients with low urinary citrate have a higher risk for calcium stones. Patients with type 1 (distal) renal tubular acidosis often have hypocitraturia.
Struvite/Infection Stones
Chronic urinary infections with urease-producing organisms such as ………………………
give a highly alkaline urine that leads to struvite ……………………………………… stones. These often produce large “staghorn” calculi filling the renal pelvis. The urinalysis may show characteristic “…………….” crystals.
1-Proteus, 2-Pseudomonas, 3-and Klebsiella -(Mg/aluminum/phosphate) -coffin lid
Uric acid stones form in an ………… environment and are associated with diseases that increase serum uric acid levels, such as …………………………….
Unlike other stones, they are radiolucent on x-ray but can be seen on …………………
- acid
- gout, hematologic malignancies, and Crohn’s disease
- renal ultrasound.