Neoplastic Liver Disease Flashcards
What reasons do liver tumours com to the attention of patients and doctors?
- epigastric fullnes or discomfort 2. palpable abdominal mass 3. incidental findings
What are the types of liver tumours?
- benign 2. malignant
What are the types of malignant tumours?
- primary 2. metastatic: spread from other organs
Describe 2 types of benign liver tumours?
- haemongioma - blood vessel tumour
2. liver cell adenomas - commonly seen in young women on oral contraceptives
What are primary malignant tumours?
most arise from hepatocytes: Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).
Describe types of malignant tumours?
- cholangiocarcinoma - bile duct origin
- hepatoblastomas - Liver tumour of childhood (<2yrs of age)
- angiosarcoma - blood vessel tumours
What is the epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma?
- Documented prevalence for Malawi:
- 8/100,000 in males, 0.4/100,000 in females 2. Globally 5.4% of all cancers 3. common in Asia followed by Africa 4. >85% in countries with high rates of chronic Hepatits B virus infection (HBV)
What are the 3 major aetiological associations of neoplastic liver disease?
- Viral infection: HBV, HCV
- Chronic alcoholism
- Food contaminants (Aflatoxins)
What are the minor conditions associated with neoplastic liver disease?
- tyrosinaemia 2. hereditary haemochromatosis
Describe viral carcinogenesis?
- Chronic liver injury with regeneration: increase in pool of cycling cells at risk of genetic changes - Mutations arise spontaneously or by environmental agents eg aflatoxins 2. HBV encodes HBx protein: regulatory protein that disrupts normal growth control of infected liver cells
Describe the macroscopic morphology?
- unifocal - one large mass
- multifocal - several separate nodules
- diffusely infiltrative - involving whole lobe
Describe the microscopic morphology?
- HCC - Poorly differentiated to well differentiated
- fibrolamellar - distinctive variant that occurs in young males and has no association with HBV but has thick fibrous bands
Describe the course of the disease?
progressive enlargement of primary mass - 1. mestastases 2. derangement of liver function
Death occurs from?
- cachexia 2. eosophageal variceal bleed 3. liver failure with hepatic coma 4. rupture of tumour with fatal haemorrhage