Most common benign thyroid neoplasia
follicular adenoma
list Most common malignant thyroid neoplasia in order:
- Papillary Carcinoma:>85%
- Follicular carcinoma: 5%-15%
- Medullary carcinoma:5%
- Anaplastic carcinoma:< 5%
history of radiation of the head and neck, especially first two decades of life.
* Usually presents as a distinct solitary nodule.
thyroid neoplasms
features suggessting malignancy in hyroid neoplasms
✓young age, Male, cold nodule
✓Pain, rapid rate of growth and change in voice
Radio Iodine uptake studies used to further categorize nodules:
* Hot nodule( increased uptake)
- graves / nodular goiter
Radio Iodine uptake studies used to further categorize nodules:
* COLD nodule( dec. uptake)
Adenoma / carcinoma
Clinical features of follicular adenoma
- Usually painless solitary
nodules - May be functional &
cause hyperthyroidism
(toxic adenoma)
microscopy of follicular adenoma
- Solitary nodules; Well capsulated tumor;
Compressed normal gland.
1 nodule + capsule - No capsular and vascular invasion & papillary carcinoma nuclear features
- Occasional atypia ( Endocrine atypia)
- Variant- Hurthle cell adenoma
Follicular Adenomas is a benign neoplasm derived from ___________
follicular epithelium
pathogenesis of follicular adenoma
Most adenomas are Cold nodules ( Toxic- hot).
* Toxic adenomas:
TSH receptor pathway mutations —> autonomy
* Non Functional Adenoma: <20% express RAS gene mutations
genetic pathogenesis of papillary carcinoma
Activation of MAP kinase pathway either by
* Rearrangement of tyrosine kinase RET gene
* Point mutation in BRAF gene
genetic pathogenesis of Follicular carcinoma
- RAS gene – frequent ( HRAS, N RAS, KRAS)
- P13K/AKT signaling pathway components including its negative
regulator PTEN - PAX8 gene
genetic pathogenesis of anaplastic carcinoma
- De novo / progression from Papillary/ Follicular carcinoma
- TP53 mutation in additions
genetic pathogenesis of medullary carcinoma
Parafollicular C cells derivation
- Familial ( MEN-2) – RET gene ( Chr 10) – tyrosine kinase receptor activation
- Non Familial
* 5% -15% of malignant thyroid tumors
* F > M; 40-60yrs
* Hematogenous spread to bones or lungs is common
* Genetic basis
* ~50% cases harbor mutations in RAS family
of oncogenes
* NRAS mutations are most common
follicular carcinoma
Gross morphology of follicular carcinoma
Single well circumscribed
nodules or widely infiltrative
Microscopic morphology of follicular carcinoma
- Uniform cells forming small
follicles containing inspissated
colloid - Rule out capsular and/or vascular invasion to distinguish follicular adenomas from minimally invasive follicular carcinomas
- Hematogenous spread
Gross morphology of papillary carcinoma
- Solitary / Multifocal
- Circumscribed – encapsulated / infiltrating surrounding
parenchyma - Papillary excrescences
microscopic morphology of papillary carcinoma
- Branching papillae with fibrovascular core covered with uniform cuboidal epithelial cells
- Psammoma bodies - Concentrically calcified structures
termed within the cores of papillae - Cells: Nucleus - optically clear (ground-glass or Orphan Annie eye nuclei)
- intranuclear inclusions (“pseudo-inclusions”)
- intranuclear grooves
determine diagnosis:
* 80% of malignant thyroid tumors
* F > M
* Age 20-50
* Risk factor
-Radiation exposure
Activation of MAP kinase pathway is
feature of all papillary carcinomas.
-RET protooncogene on chr.10
-Point mutations in BRAF(MAP-Kinase pathway)
papillary carcinoma is commonly spread via
cervical lymphnodes
RX: for papillary carcinoma
- Resection is curative in most cases
- Radiotherapy with iodine 131 is effective for metastasis
prognosis for papillary carcinoma
- Excellent
- 10-year survival 98%
origin of medullary carcinoma
Thyroid C cells (parafollicular cells)
secrete calcitonin & follow up + CEA
Familial medullary thyroid carcinomas occur in
_____________- & associated with germline
______________ mutations.
MEN-2( 2A and 2B) & RET proto-oncogene
____________ are affected in MEN-2 syndrome
younger pts
determine the malignancy : GROSS MORPHOLOGY
-solitary nodule or may manifest as multiple lesions involving both lobes areas of necrosis and hemorrhage
medullary carcinoma
describe the microscopic morphology of Medullary Carcinoma
-polygonal to spindle-shaped cells
-nests, trabeculae, and even follicles.
-Amyloid deposits - altered calcitonin in the stroma ( Congo red stain/ IHC)
F-amilial cases - Multicentric C cell hyperplasia in the surrounding thyroid
clinical presentation of Medullary Carcinoma
mass in the neck, compression effects such as dysphagia or hoarseness, diarrhea (Vaso active intestinal peptide secretion)
determine the malignancy:
* Associated with p53 mutations
* F > M; Age > 60yrs
* Firm, enlarging, bulky mass
* Dyspnea & dysphagia
* Tendency for early widespread metastasis & invasion of trachea & esophagus
describe the microscopic morphology of anaplastic carcinoma:
Undifferentiated anaplastic & pleomorphic cells
* Very aggressive; rapidly fatal