neoplasms Flashcards
breast cancer RF
*Genetics – BRCA 1 & BRCA 2, first degree relative
*Increasing age – >50% occur in >60yo
*Increased number of menstrual cycles – nulliparity, later first full-term pregnancy >35yrs, early onset of menarche (<12yr), late menopause, never having breastfed
*Increased estrogen exposure – postmenopausal HRT, prolonged unopposed estrogen therapy, obesity, alcohol use
*endometrial cancer increases risk for breast cancer and vice versa
strongest RF of breast cancer
female gender, age
these are the #1’s
cervical carcinoma RF
1 HPV (associated w/ 99.7%) esp. 16 & 18
*early onset of sexual activity, ↑ # of sexual partners, smoking, DES exposure, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, immunosuppression, STIs
endometrial cancer RF
increased estrogen exposure (e.g., nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause), chronic anovulation, PCOS, obesity, estrogen-only hormonal therapy, tamoxifen, diabetes, Lynch syndrome
ovarian neoplasms RF
increased number of ovulatory cycles (e.g., nulliparity, infertility, >50yrs, early menarche, late menopause), family hx, Caucasian race, infertility
*Genetics: BRCA1 or BRCA2, Peutz-Jehgers, Turner’s syndrome, Lynch syndrome (HNPCC)
breast mastitis RF
age >30yrs, gestational age ≥41wks, 1st pregnancy, tobacco use