Neoplasias Flashcards
- Congenital
- Arthritis
- Trauma
- Blood
- Infection
- Tumor
- Endocrine/metabolic/nutritional
- Soft tissue
(Categorize various conditions from both imaging classes)
What components involve primary analysis?
- Clinical (Age, Gender, Race, History)
- Number/symmetry of lesions
- Involvement of systems
What do you analyze when looking at lesions?
- Location
- Position within bone
- Size
- Shape
- Margination
- Matrix
- Periosteal reaction
- Soft tissues changes
- Joint changes
What includes supplementary analysis?
Other imaging, lab diagnostics, biopsy
Non-aggressive (benign) lesions are usually ___
Asymptomatic (Can be symptomatic following a pathological fracture)
What can aggressive lesions cause?
Local pain or Palpable mass (Fever, altered ROM, cachexia and night-time bone pain)
What are the 5 major questions of lesion analysis?
- Which osseous structure is affected?
- Where is the lesion in that osseous structure?
- What is the pattern of destruction?
- What is the periosteum doing?
- What is the lesion matrix?
What are the behaviors of Osteolytic lesions?
- Geographic
- Motheaten
- Permeative
What are the behaviors of Osteoblastic lesions?
- Diffuse/multifocal
- localized
Describe behavior of Osteolytic Geographic lesions
- Narrow zone of transition
- May have sclerotic/sharp border
- Typically seen with non-aggressive
lesions - Can be seen with internal
septations leading to a soap-
bubble appearance
Describe behavior of Osteolytic Motheaten lesions
- Wide zone of transition
- Ill-defined border
- Multiple, tiny holes
- Associated with aggressive conditions
- Primary or secondary malignancy
- infection
Describe behavior of Osteolytic Permeative lesions
- Wide zone of transition
- Ill-defined border
- Pinhole-sized holes in the bone (may be too small to be seen)
- Associated with aggressive conditions:
- Primary or secondary malignancy
- Infection
Describe behavior of Osteoblastic Diffuse/multifocal
Usually seen with metastatic disease
Describe behavior of Osteoblastic Localized lesion
Generally associated with non-aggressive lesions
What type of Tumor Matrix will show “Target Sign”