Neoplasia Flashcards
It means “new growth”
This is the collection of cells and stroma composing new growths
This is the swelling caused by inflammation, but is equated with neoplasm
Study of tumors or neoplasms
What are the two components of tumors?
- Neoplastic Cells
- Reactive Stroma
Abundant collagenous stroma stimulated by parenchymal cells
A type of tumors which remain localized at their site of origin and are generally amenable to surgical removal.
Bengin Tumors
A benign tumor of fibroblast like cells
A benign cartilaginous tumor
A benign epithelial neoplasms derived from glandular tissues. - Even if the tumor cells fail to form glandular sturctures
A benign epithelial neoplasm producing fingerlike or wart projections from epithelial surfaces.
Those that form large cystic masses such as in the ovary.
A type of tumor that can invade and destroy adjacent structures and spread to distant sites (metastasize)
Malignant tumors
Malignant tumors arising in solid mesenchymal tissues
e.g. Fibrosarcoma/ Chondrosarcoma
Malignant tumors arising from blood forming cells
Leukemia/ Lymphoma
Malignant neoplasms of epithelial cell origin
Tumor cells resemble stratified squamous epithelium
Squamous cell carcinoma
Neoplastic epithelial cells grow in a glandular pattern
This contains recognizable mature or immature cells or tissues belonging to more than one germ cell layer
A cystic tumor lined by squamous epithelium that is filled with hair, sebacous glands and tooth structures.
Ovarian cystic teratoma (Dermoid cyst)
DIsorganized masses composed of cells indigenous to the involved tissue
Now considered a benign neoplasm
A heterotropic (misplaced) rest of cells such as normally organized pancreatic tissue found in the submucosa of the stomach or small intestine
Differentiation and Anaplasia
The extent to which neoplastic parenchymal cells resemble the corresponding normal parenchymal cells, both morphologically and functionally.
Lacks differentiation
There are 4 morphologic tell tale changes found in cancer cells
- Pleomorphism
- Abnormal Nuclear Morphology
- Mitoses - Reflect high rate of proliferation
- Loss of polarity
> A variation in cell size and shape.
Cells within the sam etumor are not uniform.
They range from small cells with an undiffirentiated appearance to tumor giant cells larger than their neighbors.
Abnormal nuclear morphology
> Cancer cells have nuclei that are disporportionately large, with a nuclear to cytoplasm ratio that may approach 1:1 instead of normal 1:4 to 1:6
Shape is variable send often irregular
Chromatin = coarsley clumped, hyperchromatic
Large nucleoli
Loss of polarity
> The orientation of anaplastic cells with repsect to each other or to supporting structures like basement membranes is marekdly disturbed.
Tumor cells grow in a disorganized fashion
The replacement of one type of cell with another type.
Barret Esophagus
Gastroesophageal reflux damages the squamous eptithelium of the esophagus, leading to its replacement by glandular epithelium better suited to an acidic env ironment.