Neonatology Flashcards
Neonatal jaundice occurs in ______ of term infants and _____ of preterm infants
Unconjugated bilirubinaemia may be ________________
Conjugated bilirubinaemia is ________________
High levels of bilirubin have ________________________________________________
- Neonatal jaundice occurs in 60% of term infants and 80% of preterm infants
- Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia may be physiological or pathological
- Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia will always be pathological
- High levels of bilirubin have harmful effects on the baby causing kernicterus (brain damage associated with bilirubin), can cause a form of cerebral palsy, hearing loss, problems with vision and teeth as well as intellectual disabilities
Describe physiological jaundice?
- Jaundice in a healthy baby, born at term is normal and may result from:
- Increased RBC breakdown (HbF being broken down as now making HbA)
- Immature liver struggles to process high bilirubin concentrations
- Physiological jaundice starts at days 2-3 and peaks day 5 but should resolve by day 10, the baby is well and does not need intervention
4 categories of pathological jaundice?
Haemolytic disease (e.g. rhesus, ABO incompatibility, G6PD deficiency)
* This has an onset of less than 24 hours
* Jaundice that comes on in less than 24 hours is always pathological
Physiological jaundice can progress to pathological jaundice if the baby is premature or there is increased red cell breakdown e.g. extensive bruising or cephalohematoma following instrumental delivery or baby is dehydrated due to poor feeding
Unwell neonate
* Jaundice may be a sign of congenital or post-natal infection
Prolonged Jaundice
* Jaundice for more than 14 days in term and 21 in preterm should raised suspicion of infection, hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, galactosaemia, breast milk jaundice (this goes away on its own), choledhocal cyst or biliary atresia
Investigations in neonatal jaundice?
- All infants are assessed for jaundice with the naked eye under natural light at newborn screening – babies who are not jaundiced do not need further testing
- If it is thought a baby has jaundice it can be tested for using a transcutaneous bilirubinometer (this is like a torch device that measures bilirubin levels)
- Blood tests would be done if reading very high or jaundice before 24 hours or after 14 days
- Other tests depend on what you think underlying cause is
Management of neonatal jaundice?
- Bilirubin levels are interpreted using treatment threshold graphs that are gestation specific and determine management for hyperbilirubinaemia
- Babies either have blue light phototherapy or if very bad hyperbilirubinaema an exchange transfusion
- Also need to treat any underlying cause e.g. surgery for biliary atresia
What is biliary atresia?
- Absence/ obstruction of the extrahepatic bile ducts
- Congenital defect or inflammation soon after birth which causes destruction of the bile ducts
- Mechanism not really known
Presentation of biliary atresia?
- Presents in the first few weeks of life
- Persistent jaundice (if jaundice for > 14 days you should consider this as a diagnosis)
- Pale stools
- Dark urine
Investigations for biliary atresia?
- LFTs are abnormal with a conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
- US is initial imaging
- Liver histology and biopsy is usually diagnostic method of choice
- ERCP is sometimes needed
Management of biliary atresia?
- Kasai procedure is initial management
- Most babies with biliary atresia will go on to need a liver transplant in childhood
As you get older HR and RR _____ and BP _______
HR and RR get lower as you get older, BP gets higher
Normal neonatal HR and RR?
HR - 120-140/60 (neonates closer to 160)
RR - 40 -60
Explain fetal circulation?
- Oxygenated blood is supplied by the umbilical vein
Some of that blood is directed to the ductus venous (shunts blood to IVC) and then IVC and some enters the liver
Blood goes from IVC to RA and most goes RA to LA through foramen ovale
This blood goes to LV and supplies carotids and ascending aorta
Some of the blood from the RA enters RV and is pumped into PA
In fetus the PA and aorta are connected by the ductus arteriosus which directs most of the partially oxygenated blood away from the lungs and to the lower body - Two umbilical arteries that come off the iliacs of the fetus and deoxygenated blood back to Mum
What does the ductus venosus do?
Allows some of the oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to bypass the liver
What is the purpose of the fetal circulation?
makes sure most of the oxygenated blood reaches the brain, because the lungs aren’t working you dont want all the blood to go though there, only enough oxygenated blood to keep the lungs oxygenated as opposed to all the blood going to the lungs to be oxygenated
What is the ductus arteriosus and its purpose?
- In fetus the PA and aorta are connected by the ductus arteriosus which directs most of the partially oxygenated blood away from the lungs and to the lower body
Fetal circulation adaption at birth?
- Pulmonary vascular resistance drops (because the lungs are not full of fluid), systemic vascular resistance rises, oxygen tension rises, circulating prostaglandins drop, ductus arteriosus constricts, foramen ovale closes
- The ductus arteriosus should close in 2-3 days after birth
- In some people the foramen ovale does not close, some people will have this and not know, generally doesn’t cause complications
- In some infants can get patent ductus arteriosus which tends to cause more problems as oxygen poor blood is not flowing correct way
Explain what transient tachypnoea of the newborn and any treatment/ prognosis?
- This is a diagnosis of exclusion and presents with a baby grunting shortly after delivery with rapid breathing and fluid on XR
- Basically, it occurs in big healthy babies born by section who haven’t had the stress of delivery to squeeze excess fluid out of the lungs
- This generally doesn’t need any treatment
Describe reflexes you check in a newborn exam?
- Reflexes you check for in newborn exam
- Moro/ startle reflex: Loss of support for baby’s neck causes it to spread out arms
- Rooting and sucking reflex: stroking baby’s cheek it start to suck, baby sucks if put finger in mouth
- Grasp: baby grasps finger if put it in palm
- Stepping: baby appears to take steps with feet when upright
Explain what hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is and what we do to reduce the risk?
- Babies have low stores of vitamin k at birth and this increases their risk of bleeding
- All babies are given an injection of vitamin K at birth to reduce their risk
Define preterm and different extents?
- Preterm is any baby delivered before 37 weeks completed gestation
- Extremely preterm is before 28 weeks
- Very preterm is 28-32 weeks
- Moderate to late preterm is 32 to 27 weeks
List 8 risk factors for preterm delivery?
- Previous preterm delivery
- Multiple pregnancy
- Smoking and illicit drug use in pregnancy
- Being under or overweight in pregnancy
- Early pregnancy (within 6 months of previous pregnancy)
- Problems in pregnancy e.g. cervix, uterus, placenta or infection
- Certain chronic conditions e.g. diabetes and hypertension
- Physical injury or trauma
Explain what RDS/ PPHN is?
- This occurs in premature babies due to surfactant deficiency as surfactant isn’t produced until late on in pregnancy
- This results in the baby having too high surface tension in the lungs
- Presents with tachypnoea, grunting, upper intercostal recession, nasal flaring and cyanosis
- The baby’s condition will worsen over time
Management of PPHN and RDS?
- If you know a baby is going to be premature can give antenatal steroids which speeds up lung development
- When the baby is born can also give surfactant replacement
Describe cardiovascular anomalies that can occur in preterm babies?
- Hypotension
- Perfusion abnormalities
- PDA is more common in premature babies
What neurological condition is more common in preterm babies, what should you do to monitor?
- Intraventricular haemorrhage is more common in premature babies
- Regular surveillance with Cranial ultrasound should be done
What GI condition is more common in premature babies?
higher risk of NEC
What eye condition can occur in premature babies?
retinopathy of prematurity
What is meconium?
- This is the dark green, sticky and lumpy faecal material produced during pregnancy
- It is usually released from the bowels after birth
Explain the pathogenesis of meconium aspiration syndrome?
- Risk factors are not completely understood
- If the baby passes meconium in utero then this results in meconium stained amniotic fluid
- Of all the babies with MSAF, 5-12% can aspirate this and develop MAS
- When this happens the baby may go into respiratory distress
- Meconium can stimulate the release of many vasoactive and cytokine substances that activate inflammatory pathways, as well as triggering vasculature changes, it also inhibits the effect of surfactant in the lung
Diagnosis and management of meconium aspiration syndrome?
- Generally a clinical diagnosis – respiratory distress in a baby with MSAF, CXR can help guide management
- Management involves a combination/ some of observation, routine care, ventilation/ oxygen therapy, antibiotics if suspicious of infection, surfactant bolus, inhaled nitric oxide and corticosteroids
Explain what meconium ileus is and what it usually means?
- Bowel obstruction that occurs when the meconium in the childs intestine is even thicker and stickier than normal – usually because the child has CF
Presentation of meconium ileus?
- Presents in first few hours or days after birth
- The earliest signs are abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and no passage of meconium
- Abdominal XR may show soap bubble appearance
Investigation for meconium ileus?
abdominal XR - soap bubble appearance
Management of meconium ileus?
- Usually try and relieve obstruction non surgically with NG tube to remove excess air and fluid and remove bay’s discomfort, then use agents to help soften the meconium to try and flush it out
- If this is unsuccessful or there are signs of complicated meconium ileus then will need surgery
What is used to encourage duct closure in PDA?
ibuprofen or indomethacin (prostaglandins maintain patency so inhibiting these will help it close)
Early onset neonatal sepsis and late onset?
early onset < 72 hours - GBS
late onset > 72 hours - Staph A
Why may meconium stained liquor be worrying?
can be a sign of fetal distress as hypoxia causes intestinal and anal sphincter relaxation
Some examples of duct dependent circulations?
transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of fallot, hypo plastic left heart
these are all cyanotic heart diseases
Presentation of PDA vs duct dependent circulations?
PDA tends to present later and doesn’t present with cyanosis
duct dependent circulations will present with cyanosis a few hours after birth when the ductus arteriosus starts to shut
Management of duct dependent circulations?
presents as a cyanotic baby few hours after birth
need to give prostaglandins (specifically prostaglandin E1) to keep the duct open until they have surgery
alprostadil is drug name
Drug name for prostaglandin E1?
Management of PDA?
give indomethacin to close the duct - ie if baby has loud machine like murmur
Describe newborn hearing screen?
newborn hearing test is called automated otoacoustic emission test (AOAE).
dont always get a clear results from this (doesn’t mean baby is deaf)
2nd test = automated auditory brainstem response test (AABR)
Name 3 cyanotic congenital heart defects?
Transposition of the great arteries
Tricuspid atresia
Tetralogy of fallot
Are most cyanotic congenital heart defects compatible with life?
Most on their own are not, a PDA, ASD or VSD however that is also present along with the defect is generally what allows the baby to survive
Four components of tetralogy of fallot?
Pulmonary stenosis
Over riding aorta
What is the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect?
tetralogy of fallot
Presentation of cyanotic heart disease?
cyanosis is present at birth or within the first few weeks of life
tetralogy of fallot can appear later (depending on how bad the pulmonary stenosis is)
Poor/ difficulty feeding
failure to thrive
note: central cyanosis is always abnormal but peripheral cyanosis that is mild and in the limbs can be normal in babies
Diagnosis of cyanotic heart defects?
may diagnose on prenatal us
after birth - pulse oximetry, ECG, CXR
ECHO will be best for diagnosis
most babies have a VSD or ASD so will get a systolic murmur of some kind
Management of cyanotic heart disease?
Alprostadil - prostaglandin E1
keep the ductus arteriosus open until you can make a definitive diagnosis and get the baby to surgery
PDA is a type of ________
vast majority are _______
acyanotic congenital heart disease
vast majority are isolated defects
Explain why there is no cyanosis with PDA?
the ductus arteriosus allows oxygenated blood to flow back into the lower pressure pulmonary arteries but doesnt allow deoxygenated blood to flow into the systemic circulation
Presentation of PDA?
generally asymptomatic early in life
continuous machine like murmur (Gibsons murmur)
later in life however can get pulmonary hypertension causing the shunt to reverse and deoxygenated blood gets into the aorta causing cyanosis in the lower extremities
Management of PDA?
indomethacin to close it
or can do surgery
What determines the severity of tetralogy of fallot?
the level of pulmonary stenosis
What is breastmilk jaundice?
not sure what causes it but jaundice that can occur in some babies breastfeeding, comes on at about 2-3 weeks and can persist for a while