Neonate & Pediatric Development A&P Flashcards
before 37 weeks
post-conceptual age
first 24 hours
first 30 days
1 month to 1 year
1 to 12 years
First trimester
1-12 weeks
Second trimester
13-26 weeks
Third trimester
27-40 weeks
subcutaneous/muscle tissue development
first 8 weeks
weight < 2,500 grams
Preterm neonate
born before 37 weeks
Post-term neonate
42 weeks
Birthweight ________ by ____ months and ________ by ________.
doubles. …….6
triples. …….1 yr
Length ________ by _____ years of age.
Estimation of weight
kg = 2 x Age (yrs) + 9
For > 8 y/o = Age (yrs) x 3
Why is weight important?
sensitive index of well being
reflects illness, poor nutrition
What occurs with removal of placenta?
SVR increases
PVR decreases in neonatal circulation
-major decline to low “adult” levels 2-3 days
During 1st week of life, PVR decreases further….
- secondary to remodeling of pulmonary vasculature
- thinning of vascular smooth muscle and recruitment of new vessels
Why is resting CO maxed out?
- Fixed SV (decreased myocardial function, stiff heart, less organized)
- Low SVR (pristine vessels)
- Immature SNS to regular BP
Range of CO in full-term and preterm neonates
220 to 350 mL/kg per minute
two to threefold greater than adults
QRS axis at birth
right sided, reflecting predominant right vent. intrauterine development
When does QRS axis shift left?
first month of life as left ventricular muscle hypertrophies
Sympathetic nervous sytem
SNS immature
What is most important stage in organogenesis?
first 8 weeks gestational
Cardiovascular system drive by what?
- left ventricle is noncompliant and poorly developed
- First 3 months, unable to respond to stress with inotropic support
- limited ability to increase CO even with limited stress
Why does LV have limited contractile reserve?
- decreased # of alpha receptors
- increased catecholamines
- limited recruitable SV (decreased myocardial function)
- immature Ca++ transport system
- decreased ventricular conpliance
Reason to use Beta agonists to maintain BP
-beta receptors more developed vs. alpha
Dobutamine, isoproterenol
Prone to bradycardia
-younger age
(PNS driven)
Mean heart rate BPM by age
premature: 120-170 0-3 mos: 100-150 3-6 mos: 90-120 6-12 mos: 80-120 1-3 yrs: 70-110 3-6 yrs: 65-110 6-12 yrs: 60-95 >12 yrs: 55-85
Depend on _________ to breath
Hypoxia in infants
depresses hypercapnic ventilatory response in infants
normally responses to increased CO2
Chest wall compliance
- underdeveloped intercostal muscles
- small chest cavity
- high diaphragm
Airway and alveoli development
develop until age 8
Surfactant function
abolish alveoli wall tension
What decreases surfactant production?
- premature
- maternal diabetes
What occurs with reduced surfactant?
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)