Iris manifest permanent color when?
6-12 months
ATI 11
Red Reflex
Absence indicates congenital cataract
the pupil had a milky appearance (leukocoria).
Eye ball movement will be
random and jerky
Low set ears can indicate
chromosomal abnormality e.g. down syndrome or kidney disorder
ATI 271
Ears lack of cartilage indicates
Newborns are obligate nose breathers and do not develop….?
Normal to sneeze…
the response to open mouth for air until after 3 weeks. Nasal blockage is serious
Mouth: Saliva should be scant. Excessive saliva may indicate a
tracheoseophageal fistula
Mouth: Protruding tongue may be a sign of
Down Syndrome
Mouth: gums and tongue should be pink, white patches are indicative of:
Thrush: Fungal infection
Neck: No webbing, absence of head control may indicate
prematurity or down syndrome
Bowel sounds heard when?
1-2 hrs after birth
Meconium passed within?
24 hrs after birth
Urine should be passed within?
24 hrs after birth
Uric Acid Crystals will produce rust color in urine for how long?
First couple of days