What idea is Neoliberalism based on?
a. The state must not dictate to individuals how to dispose of their own property
b. Governments should encourage competition, privatise state-run businesses and deregulate markets
The New Right;
a. Similarities to Functionalism:
1. Both believe some people are more naturally talented than others
2. Favour a meritocratic education system
3. Education should instil a sense of national identity
b. Don’t believe the current education system is achieving this because it’s run by the state
c. New Right currently believe the state education system utilises a ‘one size fits all’:
- Consumers have no say
- The state wastes money
- Lower standard of achievement
d. Solution; create an ‘education market’, as competition will bring greater diversity
Chubb and Moe (1990); Consumer Choice
a. State-run education has failed as:
1. Not created equal opportunity and has failed disadvantaged groups
2. Fails to produce skilled workers
3. Private schools are better as they are answerable to paying consumers- the parents
b. Comparison of 60,000 low-income families in both state and private schools:
- Found that those in private schools do 5% better than state schools
c. Call for the introduction of a market system through the usage of vouchers
d. Vouchers would force schools to become more responsive to parents’ wishes
Two roles for the state;
- The state imposes a framework on schools within which they have to complete:
- By publishing Ofsted inspection reports
- League table publications
- Helps to create an informed choice - Ensure that a shared culture is imposed:
- National Curriculum
a. Gewirtz and Ball (1995, 1994); competition between schools benefit the middle class as they can use their cultural and economic capital to access the more desirable schools
b. Critics argue the real cause of low educational standards isn’t state control but social inequality and poor funding
c. Contradiction: want parental choice but also want a shared National Curriculum
d. Marxists: education doesn’t impose a shared culture but rather the culture of a dominant minority ruling class