Nematodes Flashcards
Learn nematodes
Trichuris trichiura
Class Aphasmidia. Human Whipworm, in large intestine cecum rectum, few worms cause no symptoms, 200+causes anemia blood loss dysentery secondary infections and occasional death. chronic effect it’s rectal prolapse associated with warm climate and bad sanitation drug treatments are effective
trichinella spirals (trichinosis)
Class Aphasmidia, males lack spinicles, very small worms one host life cycle, adults I mucosa of small intestine of carnivores. present wherever pigs are found. viviparous females produce thousands young. juveniles enter bloodstream, arrive in muscles,encyst, males die after copulation females live《4 months. garbage plays important role in urban cycle. diagnosis is difficult adults and juveniles not in feces, juveniles are not in blood, skin test are too late. No effective treatment.
Dilctophyme renale
order: Dioctophyme, Class:Aphasmidia, giant kidney worm. single spinicles in males. in any large animal usually candids, bears, fish eaters, rare in humans, eggs in urine. eaten by aquatic oligochaete, paratenic host eaten by final host. adults destroy right kidney first. diagnosis is finding eggs in urine. only treatment is to surgery to remove the adult worm. prevention is to fully cook fishes and frogs drink only filtered water.
Rhabdias bufonis and R. ranae
Class Phasmidea, Order: Rhabditida, in lungs of toads and and frogs, common in la
Strongyloides stercoralis.
Strongloidiasis, Tropics of traffic’s temporal Jones adult females bore amicos of small intestine in humans dogs cats and other mammals personal females are party no janeke Mills are free living unknown factors determine embryo development life cycle has 1 of 3 phases 1 is free living feet phase eggs juveniles adults this is the header of Gonick Sophie living is hetero bonnac parasitic phase is Homo bonnet execs it in feces develop 2J3 penetrate host skin blood heart lungs migration or into execs crawl to throat swallow developed adult females lay eggs J3 is infective to human adults auto infector face interactive J3 penetration testing of Harry neale skin and repeat parasitic phase associated with poor sanitation symptoms or redness itching of the skin penetration at site link inflammation erosion of the intestinal lining and of Domino pain there’s larvae in the feces
long Slender worms well developed Bursa in males hookworms show neck could richer cutting place teeth and mouth cavity adult suck blood and tissue fluid Hogan has 3 stages 1 is continious face itching skin app penetration site 2 is commentary face coughing lung infections lung hemorrhage at penetration sites 3 is intestinal phase anemia pain desire to eat soil she awful ye far pelley potbelly donnes slow mental and physical growth heart failure and death White people are 10 times more susceptible than black people hookworm diagnosis eggs in store treatment drugs are effective hog one prevention mass treatment diet supplements shoes sanitation
necator americanus
95% of us hookworm. Primarily tropical new world hookworm probably arrived and slave from old world sharp neckband dorsal and ventral cutting plates hookworm disease and p* w** t**
anclyostoma duodenale
Can suck more blood than Necator americanus cutting plates and teeth slight neck bend creeping eruption are continious larval migrans in human form hookworm juveniles Under the Skin can leave weeks can live weeks or months caused by cats or dogs were common pets
haemonchus cntourtas
Where were pull warm water sucking stomach worm of sheep cattle goats one of the most important nematodes of domestic livestock causes several anemia and host Jay threes are ingested and foliage
Small intestines of grazers many species and humans causes traumatic damage to intestine grazers and just J3 xpw in foliage humans consume J trees on unwashed uncooked vegetables
In herbivore bronchioles chancellor cental and bighorn sheep snazzy eights and effect of J trees infested when final host eats snail along with foliage
Ascaris lumbricoides
Cosmopolitan and 1 billion 0 people
In small intestines live up to one year eggs are swallowed juveniles hatch and enter circulation longs for into our Saxon cross to throw
Symptoms include a Domino pain and testing a blockage wandering of adult worms insomnia damage to lungs images can be
Asus is eggs and store treatment a dog’s easily expelled with drugs repartimiento aji resistant eggs use of night soil and wash mashable’s airborne eggs these are the eggs that will go through in linen
toxocara canis
And 20% of adult dogs and 98% of puppies in the US
Adults and small intestine juveniles and body tissue prenatal infection of pops via placental crossing juveniles lay dormant and female doctor Hsu until pregnancy hormones activate them
In humans juveniles calls visible larval migraines can travel to all organs can enter I and cause vision loss can be fatal
Human diagnosis is blocked us characterized by high heel cinephilia no effective treatments control regular dog worming prompt theses pick UPS rodents are paratenic host
officers cati
Like T Canis accept it doesn’t cross the placenta is less important cause of human visceral larval migrans
Stomach worm of marine for fishes birds mammals egg released and hatching J to eat in by crustacean J3 and he moko we’ll cross station in my final host or crustacean eat it by parity Nick fish host 1st eaten by final holster human salted raw pickled smoked worms produced 2 more like gross and stomach and testing of struction asus’s prayer tonight us severe abdominal pain 1 to 12 hours after ingestion diagnosis is with endoscope treatment as physical removal numerous fish species are used as paratenic host
heterakis gallinarum
Sequel nematode of chickens and related birds directly direct lifecycle eggs liable for years and soil earthworm host contain juveniles is intermedia he host and vector for histomonas meleagrids blackhead disease of Turkey’s
heterakis gallinarum
Sequel nematode of chickens and related birds directly direct lifecycle eggs liable for years and soil earthworm host contain juveniles is intermedia he host and vector for histomonas meleagrids blackhead disease of Turkey’s
enterobis vermicularis
Pin worm or siege worm
enterobius vermicularis E gregorii
Pin worm or seat warm Worm
Spicule and mail’s only in humans and large intestines most common in temperate zone direct life cycle on perianal skin at body temperature eggs infective
Eggs cause intense rectal itch commonly found a nose retro faction very common in kids observation diagnosis or scotch tape drug vermox treatments are effective
Wucheria bancrofti
Equatorial belt or don’t lives of to 10 years in length ducks of humans and fact of is J3 and 77 species of mosquitos ovoviviparus females Juveniles migrate to thoracic mount muscles mode to infective J3 stage migrate to mouthparts J3 xpw enter bite size adults and live channels adults may plug limp channels mosquitoes periodically correlates with microfilariae. Saadi disease lymphatic inflammation as chills fever talk so Mia swollen painful lymph unknowns obstruction causes very coast live ducks dead worms may become abscesses diagnosis is blood slides skin test treatments are drug and surgery control is mass treatment humans are only host no reservoirsouth