Nematodes Flashcards
Baylisascaris procyonis is in?
Baylisascaris columnar is found in?
Adult toxocara canid inhabits where?
small intestine
How are toxocara canis eggs described?
Thick pitted dark brown shell
what are the treatment medications for toxocara canis?
Drontal plus, Milbemax
where do adult toxocara cati inhabit?
small intestine
what is a condition in humans and animals that is caused by migratory larvae of certain nematodes?
visceral larva migrans
what is the proper name for hookworm?
ancylostoma caninum
hookworms are?
what do hookworm eggs look like?
Clear smooth thin walled
trichuris campanula is found in?
trichuris vulpis is found in?
trichuris serrate is found in what animal
Trichurs is common and rare in what?
common in dogs rare in cats
whipworm proper name is?
trichuris vulpis
what is whipworm controlled by?
drontal plus
what is a life threatening presentation of heart worm disease called?
caval syndrome
what are outstanding features of caval syndrome?
severe tricuspid regulation with poor cardiac output and intravascular red cell lysis with resultant hemoglobinemia and hemogloburia
hemogloburia is usually marked resulting in?
dark brown - black urine colour
true or false. another species of dranculus will infect humans not insigns.
what is the treatment for lungworm?
what is the treatment for esophageal worms?
doramectin or ivomec