Negociation Flashcards
A problem that blocks a negotiation, the specific point you disagree about
A bone of contention
To give too much during a negotiation
To give away the farm to someone
Etre bloque
To get bogged down
Ce n’est jamais aussi simple que cela devrait être
It is never as simple as it should be
When you ask for the reason why something has been stopped or slowed you can say
What is the hold up?
When someone surprises you with a demand or a request then you can say that …
To throw someone a curve
Set a limit in a negotiation or anything else you ….
Draw the line
When you have to put high pressure on someone or to act aggressively
To play hard ball
In order to hammer out an agreement you usually have to …
To give ground or some ground
To know the ropes or to know
The oldest trick in the book
If you give someone something he asks
You cave in to their demand
Cela a finalement bien marché
It works out pretty well in the end
If you wait patiently then
You bide your time
If you apply pressure in order to find an agreement
You turn up the heat on someone
To close a deal or to strike a deal
To hammer out a deal or to come to an agreement