Neglogenve: Personal Injury And Dmg To Prop Flashcards
What is the neighbour test and what case established it?
1) you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour
2) donoghue and stevenson
What are the 3 parts to the Caparo test?
1) was dmg or harm reasonably foreseeable?
2) is there proximate relationship?
3) is it fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty?
What case represents damage or harm being reasonably foreseeable?
Kent v Griffiths
What case shows proximity of relationship?
Bourhill v young (fail)
McLaughlin v O’Brien (success)
What case shows fair just and reasonable?
Hill v chief constable
What does the Robinson case tell us?
If there is a case that is similar, take the precedent created in that case
What case states the degree to which pros are judged, and what is that degree?
1) Bolam v Barnet hospital
2) judged by the standard of their job as a whole
What case judges how learners are judged?
Nettleship v weston
What case states how young people are judged?
Mullin v Richards
Name all risk factors
1) special characteristics
2) size of the risk
3) appropriate precautions
4) knowledge of the risks
5) public benefit
Breakdown special characteristics
Case is Paris v Stepney council, it is used for any situation in which the person had a special characteristics, such as 1 arm
What are the 3 stages of negligence?
1) there was a duty of care
2) there was a breach
3) that breach caused that dmg
What is included with stage 3 of negligence?
Factual cause (Barnett)
Legal cause (wagon mound)
What are the 3 defences for negligence? (With cases)
1) contributory negligence (Sayers v Harlow)
2) consent (stermer v Lawson)
3) warning sign (rae v mars)