Negligence-Duty of Care Flashcards
What are the elements of the prima facie case of negligence?
(i) A duty on the part of the defendant to conform to a specific standard of conduct for protection of plaintiff against an unreasonable risk of injury;
(ii) A breach of that duty by defendant;
(iii) The breach is the actual and proximate cause of plaintiff’s injury; and
(iv) Damages
To whom is the duty of care owed?
A duty of care is owed to all foreseeable plaintiffs. The extent of the duty is determined by the applicable standard of care.
When confronted with a negligence question, what two questions should you always ask regarding the duty of care?
1) Was the plaintiff foreseeable?
2) If so, what is the applicable standard of care?
What is the majority view on foreseeable plaintiffs?
Cardozo view: Foreseeable zone of danger.
What is the minority view on foreseeable plaintiffs?
Andrews view: Everyone is foreseeable.
When is a rescuer considered a foreseeable plaintiff?
Where defendant negligently put himself or a third person in peril (e.g., danger invites rescue)
What is the firefighter’s rule?
It bars firefighters and police officers from recovering for injuries caused by the risks of a rescue.
What is the basic standard of care?
The Reasonable Person Standard
What is the reasonable person standard?
One’s conduct is measured against what the average person would do.
Is the reasonable person standard objective or subjective?
An objective standard whereby the defendant’s mental deficiencies and inexperience are not taken into account.
What is different regarding the standard of care for professionals?
A professional or someone with special occupational skills is required to possess the knowledge and skill of a member of the profession or occupation in good standing in similar communities.
Modern trend is to apply a national standard to all physicians.
What standard or care are children held to?
Children are held to the standard of a child of like age, education, intelligence, and experience. It is a subjective test.
What is the standard of care if a child is engaged in adult activities?
Required to conform to an adult standard of care.
At what age are children deemed to not have the capacity to be negligent?
Four years of age.
What standard of care applies to innkeepers and common carriers?
A high degree of care, they are usually liable for even slight negligence. However, the plaintiff must be a guest or passenger for this to apply.
What is a bailment relationship?
One in which, the bailor transfers to the baliee possession of the chattel but not title.
What is the bailee’s standard of care?
It depends on who is benefiting from the bailment:
1) For the sole benefit of the bailor, low standard of care
2) For the sole benefit of the bailee, high standard of care
3) For mutual benefit, ordinary standard of care.
What duties are owed by the bailor to a baliee?
For a sole benefit of the bailee, the bailor must inform the bailee of known, dangerous defects in the chattel.
For bailment for hire (mutual benefit), the bailor must inform the bailee of chattel defects which he is or should be aware.
What duties does the possessor of land have to those off premises?
There is no duty to protect one off the premises from natural conditions on the premises, there is a duty however, for unreasonably dangerous artificial conditions or structures abutting adjacent land.
Exam Tip
In urban areas, the owner/occupier is liable for damage caused off the premises by trees on the premises. This has been an exam favorite in recent years.
What duty is owed to an undiscovered trespassor?
What duty is owed to a discovered or anticipated trespasser?
The landowner must:
(i) warn or or make safe concealed, unsafe, artificial conditions known to the land owner involving risk of death or serious bodily harm, and;
(ii) use reasonable care in the exercise of “active operations” on the property.
(No duty is owed for natural conditions or less dangerous artificial conditions)
What duty is owed by easement and license holders to trespassers?
Duty of reasonable care
What is the attractive nuisance doctrine?
Court impose on a landowner the duty to exercise ordinary care to avoid a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm to children caused by artificial conditions on his property.
What must be established for the attractive nuisance doctrine to apply? (Elements)
Plaintiff must show:
(i) A dangerous ARTIFICIAL condition on the land that the owner is or should be aware of,
(ii) the owner knows or should known children frequent the vicinity of the condition,
(iii) the condition is likely to cause injury (i.e., dangerous b/c of the child’s inability to appreciate the risk), and
(iv) the expense of remedying the situation is slight compared with the magnitude of the risk.
Who is a licensee?
One who enters onto the land with the possessor’s permission for her own purpose or business, rather than for the possessor’s benefit.
What duty is owed to a licensee?
The possessor has a duty to:
(i) warn of dangerous conditions, artificial or natural, known to the owner that create an unreasonable risk of harm to the licensee and that the licensee is unlikely to discover, and
(ii) exercise reasonable care in the conduct of “active operations” on the property
The possessor has no duty to inspect or repair?
Does a possessor have the duty to inspect or repair, with regards to licensees?
What is a social guest considered?
A licensee
What is an invitee?
Invitees enter onto the land in response to an invitation by the landowner (i.e., they enter for a purpose connected with the business of the landowner or enter as members of the public for a purpose for which the land is held open to the public)
What duties are owed to an invitee?
The possessor has a duty to:
(i) warn of dangerous conditions, artificial or natural, known to the owner that create an unreasonable risk of harm to the licensee and that the licensee is unlikely to discover, and
(ii) exercise reasonable care in the conduct of “active operations” on the property, plus
(iii) the duty to make reasonable inspections to discover nonobvious dangerous conditions, and thereafter make them safe.
How can one lose invitee status?
By exceeding the scope of the invitation.
What duty is owed to users of recreational land?
Landowners who permit the general public to use his land for recreational purposes without charging a fee are not liable for injuries suffered by a recreational user, unless the landowner willfully or maliciously failed to guard against or warn of a dangerous condition on the land.
What does the modern trend show with regards to statuses?
Rejects the distinction between invitees and licensees, sometimes trespassers as well.
What duties does a lessee have?
To maintain the premises.
What duties does a lessor have?
To warn of existing defects of which he is aware or has reason to know, and which he knows the lessee is not likely to discover on a reasonable inspection.
What if a lessor covenants to repair a dangerous condition?
He is liable for unreasonably dangerous conditions if he covenants to fix them.
What if a lessor volunteers to repair conditions and does so negligently?
He is liable.
Can a statute replace a general common law duty of care? (Think negligence per se, and its elements)
Yes, if:
(i) the statute provides for a criminal penalty,
(ii) the statute clearly defines the standard of conduct,
(iii) plaintiff is within the protected class, and
(iv) the statute was designed to prevent the type of harm suffered.
When is it excusable to not follow a statutory duty of care?
If compliance would cause more danger that violation, or where compliance would be beyond defendant’s control.
What is the effect of a violation or compliance with a statutory duty of care?
Majority view: negligence per se, it is a conclusive presumption of duty and breach of duty
What are the elements of negligent infliction of emotional distress?
(i) Plaintiff must be within the zone of danger, and
(ii) Plaintiff must suffer physical symptoms from the distress.
What if a plaintiff is not in the zone of danger, but sees defendant negligently injuring another, can he recover?
Yes as long as:
(i) the plaintiff and the person injured by the defendant are closely related,
(ii) the plaintiff was present at the scene of the injury, and
(iii) the plaintiff personally observed or perceived the event.
(iv) physical symptoms
(Modern trend, drops physical symptoms requirement)
If a special relationship exists between a plaintiff and defendant, such as a doctor patient relationship, can there be negligent infliction of emotional distress?
Yes, and the elements are unnecessary if the defendant’s negligence has great potential to cause emotional distress.
Does a person have the affirmative duty to act?
Generally no, but there are exceptions:
1) Assumption of duty by acting
2) Peril due to defendant’s conduct
3) Special relationship between parties
4) Duty to control third persons
When one assumes the duty to act by acting, what standard is he held to?
Reasonable care, with one exception: the Good Samaritan statutes which exempts doctors, nurses, etc. from liability for ordinary but not gross negligence.
What is the Good Samaritan statute?
It exempts doctors and nurses, and the like, from liability for ordinary negligence, but not gross negligence.
What are special relationships between parties which may create and affirmative duty to act?
Common carriers, innkeepers, shoekeepers, and others that gather the public for profit owe duties of reasonable care to aid or assist their patrons.