Negligence Duties Flashcards
What is negligence?
- Harm done to someone through the failure of another to exercise a certain level of care
What are the elements of negligence?
- Duty of care
- Breach of duty
- Causation
- Harm
What legal duty does one person have to another?
- D has a legal duty to act as an ordinary, prudent, reasonable person taking precaution against unreasonable risk of injury to others.
To whom does a person possess this legal duty of care?
- D owes this duty only to those persons inside the geographic zone of danger at the time of D’s negligence (foreseeable P)
Are rescuers owed a duty of care?
- Yes, professional rescuers are owed an independent duty of care because they are per se foreseeable plaintiffs who may get injured by D’s negligence
- Nonprofessional rescuers are also foreseeable P’s as a matter of policy and can recover against negligent party creating need.
Can negligence take place through nonfeasance?
- Yes. Nonfeasance is the failure to intervene or confer a benefit on the plaintiff, and this failure can constitute a breach of a duty of care
Is there a duty to rescue?
- There is generally no duty to rescue or aid, except when D’s tortious conduct creates need to rescue or there is a special relationship of dependence:
o EXAMPLE: Dexter is driving across a narrow bridge and is driving on the wrong side of the center line. Polly tries to avoid him and drives off the bridge. Dexter has a duty to rescue because his tortious conduct created the need for rescue.
What are examples of special relationship in which rescue would be required?
- Carrier-passenger relationship
- Inn keeper-guest relationship
- Captain-passenger relationship
- Drinking buddies
What does the common law require from people who attempt to rescue?
- At common law, if a person opts to undertake a rescue, even if he/she doesn’t have a duty to do so, he/she must act reasonably.
o EXAMPLE: Delilah is hiking on a remote trail and sees a hiker in distress at the bottom of a canyon. Delilah has no obligation to rescue, but if she undertakes a rescue she cannot then hike away if doing so would leave the hiker in a worse position than he would have been if she hadn’t stopped at all.
What kinds of laws are distinguished from the common law with respect to the duty to rescue?
- Many states have Good Samaritan statutes that protect a rescuer unless she is reckless or engages in intentional wrongdoing.
Is there a duty to control the actions of third parties?
- There is generally no duty to control the conduct of a third party as to prevent harm to another.
Under what exception would there exist a duty to control third parties?
- When a special relationship between D and the third party gives the third party a right of protection or imposes a duty on D to control the third party’s conduct.
o EXAMPLE: A prison has a dangerous criminal locked away and the criminal escapes. The prison has a duty to warn people in the neighborhood.
o EXAMPLE: A mother knows that her son always tries to kill babysitters when she leaves him with them. She must warn the babysitter.
o EXAMPLE: Psychotherapist exercises enough control that when they know of the patient’s dangerous propensity, there is a duty to warn a specific party who might be in danger.
Do providers of alcohol owe a duty of care under the common law?
- Traditional Rule: Purveyor not responsible for DUI injuries.
Under what exception do alcohol providers owe a duty of care?
- Dram Shop Acts: Impose liability on establishments when they know, or should know, a patron is drunk and that person drives while intoxicated and harms a third party.
Do the Dram Shop Acts apply to social hosts who serve alcohol?
- These acts typically do not apply to social hosts, but only to those who are licensed to sell alcohol.
What constitutes negligent entrustment?
- When D gives something dangerous to someone D knows or should know is not competent to handle it (i.e. Father gives gun to a small child who shoots P).
Is there a general duty to protect?
- Generally, there is no duty to protect another person from third party criminal conduct (nonfeasance) unless:
o Special relationship: landlord/tenant, business/invitee.
o Some jurisdictions only find duty where there is a special relationship and prior similar incidents, that make the third party criminal conduct particularly foreseeable.
Do governmental entities owe legal duties, and if so when?
- Whether a duty is owed depends on function:
o Proprietary function
o Discretionary activity
o Ministerial function
o Public duty
What duty does a governmental entity owe when they perform a proprietary function?
- Proprietary Function (acting in private area): Treated as any other D for duty analysis.
What duty does a governmental entity owe when they perform a discretionary activity?
- Discretionary Activity (using judgment and allocating resources i.e. setting policy): Courts will not find a duty.
What duty does a governmental entity owe when they perform a ministerial function?
- Ministerial Function: Duty once government has undertaken to act (Ex: stop sign installed incorrectly leading to accident).
What duty of care does a governmental entity owe when they perform a public duty?
- Public Duty Doctrine: Courts find no duty when professional rescuers (police officers/firefighters) fail to provide an adequate response, except when:
o there is a special relationship between P and the agency; or
o the agency has increased the danger beyond what would otherwise exist.