Negligence: Breach Flashcards
What is the general standard of care?
D must take as much care as would be taken by a reasonable person
Objective: no account for whether D did their best / attributes / what they foresaw
2-stage test the court apply to determine whether D is in breach of their duty of care?
- Standard of care D ought to have exercised (Question of Law)
- Whether D’s conduct fell below the required standard of care (Question of Fact)
Will D be in breach if they are unexpectedly impaired?
No breach if they meet standard of reasonable person unaware of condition
Standard of care for a skilled defendant
Degree of skill or competenece to be expected from a person with D’s special skill
Will D have fallen below the standard of care if their actions are supported by a body of professional opinion / followed trade practice?
No but the court have the final say and may find the accepted practice negligent
What is the standard of care for an underskilled defendent (e.g. DIY)?
D must meet the minimum standard required by the task
(If D does not possess special skill the task requires, likely negligent)
What is the standard of care for a child?
An ordinary child of the same age
What will the court weigh up when determining whether D has fallen below a reasonable standard of care?
- Risk created by D’s activities; and
- Precautions D ought to reasonably have taken in response to that risk
What factors will the court take into consideration when determining whether D has fallen below a reasonable standard of care?
- Magnitude (liklihood and severity)
- Cost and practicality of precautions (lack of resources not a defence)
- Public interest
- Common practice
- Standard of knoweldge at time of incident (if risk not known, not liable)
If the risk was not known at the time of the incident will D have fallen below the standard of care?
Burden of proof for showing D fell below standard of care?
GR: C must prove on balance of probabilites (witnesses)
* Res Ipsa Loquitur
* Civil Evidence Act
When will the court infer negligence without evidence?
Red Ipsa Loquitur
- The thing causing damage is under D’s control or someone for whom D is responsible
- The accident would not normally happen without negligence; and
- The cause of the accident is unknown to C (no witnesses)
How can D rebut an inference of negligence (res ipsa loquitur)
1. How the accident really happened and this was not due to their negligence; or
2. They used reasonable care at all times
When can C rely on a criminal conviction to prove D fell below the standard of care?
- offence involves careless conduct; and
- relates to same act
If D is inexperienced and refers a matter to a more senior person are they likely to have fallen below the standard of care?
No (likely not liable)
When do medical professionals have a duty to inform patients of material risks and alternative treatments?
Risk is significant for general person or for the patient themselves
* irrelevant if percentage chance of injury is minimal
* Bolam test irrelevant to advising on material risk (i.e. recommendation of responsible body of opinion)
* Bolam test relevant as to whether advise of alternative treatments
2 exceptions
When are doctors not required to advise patients of material risks?
- Believe disclosure would be detrimental to patient’s health
- Patient is unconcious and requires urgent treatment