Needs Assessment Flashcards
What is the purpose of a needs assessment?
To gather information in order to determine what health education activities may be most appropriate given the needs and setting.
What is a capacity assessment?
It measures actual or potential resources that can aid in the maintenance and enhancement of health education programs.
What kind of data is in a needs assessment?
Qualitative and Quantitative
What are the steps to conducting a needs assessment?
- Determine the purpose of the needs assessment.
- Identify available data to assess the health problems.
- Decide on the data collection approach and gather data.
- Analyze and interpret the data.
- Identify factors linked to the health problem(s).
- Identify the focus of the program and begin the planning process.
What are the three factors identified in the needs assessment?
Predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors.
Name some models to help guide in the needs assessment presses.
Epidemiological model, Public health model, Mobilizing for Action through Planning Partnership (MAPP), Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH), Social Model, Asset model, Precede-Proceed Model, Rapid Model, Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), Rapid Assessment Response Evaluation (RARE)
Name the three sources of data with examples.
Primary ( original new data) secondary ( Federal, state, local health dept, hospital, medical journals), tertiary (fact sheets, encyclopedias, pamphlets)
Name types of Qualitative primary data collection methods
Focus group, key informant interviews, nominal group process, Delphi panel process
What is the type of quantitate primary data collection
Survey research
What are the types of observational survey designs?
Cross-sectional (one-time, present or recall of past), case-control ( matches an intervention participant with a control participant), longitudinal (prospective, and includes present and future data)
What is validity and reliability?
Validity- degree in which the instrument measures what it intends to measure.
Reliability- the degree in which the instrument yields the same results.
What are the steps to analyzing data?
- Administer the survey
- Prepare data: code questions and answers.
- Verify data: test for accuracy or coding errors.
- Enter the data.
- tabulate the data
- Analyze the data
- Record and report the data, include hypothesis, objectives, survey steps, and reliability of results.
What is rate, mean, and median?
Rate- measures, measures’ quantity over the same time period.
Mean- average of a set of values.
Median- the middle distribution of a set of values.
What are the steps to interpreting data?
- analyze the data
- Compare with local, state, or national data.
- Consider social, cultural, and political environment.
- Set priorities: assess size and scope of the problem, determine affective as of possible interventions, determine appropriateness, economics, acceptability, resources, legality of interventions.
- Specific implementation of plans
Generate program evaluation plans
What is Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention?
Primary- prevention or delaying of illness or injury.
Secondary- Diagnosis of an illness or injury or early/encourage early treatment.
Tertiary- Providing treatment and recovery from an illness or injury
What is a social determinant of health?
It is a condition in the environment in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age, that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks.
Name some potential barriers to health education
Health literacy, lack of interest, lack of funds, lack of leadership, unsupportive environment, transportation, lack of time, weak partnerships.
Name some potential facilitators of health education
Strong partnerships, sustaining structure, adaptability to needs, good communication, funds and resources, low response burden, evidence that health education/program works
After your needs assessment is completed and analyzed, should you complete a “check back” with the community?
What is theory?
A set of constructs, definitions and statements that present a systematic view of events or situations with the sole purpose of explaining and predicting the events or situations.
What is a model?
A system that draws upon several theories to better under a stand a health problem in a specific setting.
What are the five phases of the precede model?
- Social diagnosis
- Epidemiological diagnosis
- Behavioral and environmental diagnosis.
- Education and organizational diagnosis.
- Administrative and policy diagnosis.
What are the four phases of the proceed model?
- Implementation
- Process evaluation
- Impact evaluation
- Outcome Evaluation
What is a predisposing factor?
Knowledge, attitude, beliefs, and values