Need to know muscles (Practical Final) Flashcards
Raises eyebrows
Orbicularis Oculi
Closes eyelids
Superior Rectus
Elevates eye and turns it medially
Inferior Rectus
Depresses eye and turns it medially
Medial Rectus
Rotates eye medially
Lateral Rectus
Turns eye laterally
Superior Oblique
Depresses eye and turns it laterally
Inferior Oblique
Elevates eye and turns it laterally
Zygomaticus Major
Retracts and elevates corners of mouth
Depressor anguli oris
depresses corners of mouth
Orbicularis oris
Closes lips, kissing muscle.
depresses mandible
closes jaw
Elevates and retracts mandible
depresses and protrudes tongue
retracts and elevates tongue
flexes neck; rotates head
Erector spinae
back extension
Quadratus lumborum
flexes the spine laterally
helps with breathing
Rectus abdominis
flexes and rotates vertebral column.
External oblique
helps rotate the trunk (middle section of body)
Internal oblique
responsible for flexing and bends mid-section of body.
Transverse abdominis
responsible for protecting internal organs and holding them in place.
levator anguli oris
supports and raises the pelvic visceral structures.
Pectoralis minor
protracts and depresses scapula.
Serratus anterior
lifts ribs, and assists with respiration, protracts and retracts scapula.
responsible for posture and movement.
Levator scapulae
responsible for elevating the scapulae.