Neck Dissection Anatomy Flashcards
platysma origin
fascia overlying the pectoralis major and deltoid muscle
platysma insertion
1) depression muscles of the corner of the mouth,
2) the mandible, and
3) the SMAS layer of the face
platysma function
1) wrinkles the the neck
2) depresses the corner of the mouth
3) increases the diameter of the neck
4) assists in venous return
platysma present in midline?
platysma fibers run in which direction relative to SCM
SCM origin
1) medial third of the clavicle (clavicular head)
2) manubrium (sternal head)
SCM insertion
mastoid process
SCM nerve supply
SCM blood supply
1) occipital a. or direct from ECA
2) superior thyroid a.
3) transverse cervical
SCM function
turns head toward opposite side and tilts head toward the ipsilateral shoulder
omohyoid origin
upper border of the scapula
omohyoid insertion
1) via the intermediate tendon onto the clavicle and first rib
2) hyoid bone lateral to the sternohyoid muscle
omohyoid blood supply
inferior thyroid artery
omohyoid function
1) depress hyoid
2) tense the deep cervical fascia
omohyoid absent in what percentage of individuals?