NCS Exam 1 Flashcards
Initial Segment
integrates synaptic potentials into action potentials
Membrane potential
voltage difference across the neuronal membrane
opening Na+ channels at synapse causes post synaptic neuron to become less negative (outward current)
opening Cl- channels at other synapses cause the post synaptic neuron to become more negative (inward current)
synaptic potentials
analog signals (tells neuron about strength of its input)
dynamic polarization
describes how the receptive surfaces of a neuron gather input to generate AP, how the initial segment achieves the goal of AP generation, how axon propagates an AP, how current drives release of chemical messengers
Dendritic spines
site of most excitatory synapses
receptive surfaces
- the cell body: major site for synapses that hyperpolarize and site for synapses that depolarize if neuron doesn’t have spines
- shafts of dendrites major site for synapses that hyperpolarize and site for synapses that depolarize if neuron doesn’t have spines
- dendritic spines: target of only depolarizing synapses of al depolarizing synapse on the neurons that have spines
Axon terminals
specialized regions that contain machinery necessary for communication between neurons
cells that form myelin
- oligodendrocytes
- Schwann cell
Saltatory Conduction
Nodes of ranvier
Velocity of conduction (dependent on?)
- diameter of axon
- thickness of myelin sheath
Action potential
AP that invade axon terminals lead them to
release neurotransmitter
molecules —->
Those molecules bind to
receptor proteins in the plasma membranes of other neurons.
In many cases the binding of
neurotransmitter to receptor
leads to the opening of ion
channels to produce a synaptic
2 factors that determine membrane potential
- ion concentration gradient
- selective permeability of membrane
Nernst equation(works for only one kind of ion)
Ex = RT/zF ln [x0]/[xi]
at room temp (20 degrees):
Ex = 58/z log [x0]/[xi]
at body temp (37 degrees):
Ex = 61.5/z log [x0]/[xi]
Ion permeability
the ability of ions to cross the membrane and is directly proportional to the total number of open channels for a given ion in the membrane. The membrane is permeable to K+ at rest because many channels are open
What two forces are driving ions across the membrane?
- thermodynamic (chemical) force : concentration gradient
- electrical force: difference in electrical potentials (voltage)
Equilibrium Potential
Goldman-Hodgkin Katz equation
steady-state membrane potential for multispecies of ions
Vm = RT/F = Erev
The reversal potential for the membrane permeability – this is
the membrane potential at which total current goes from being
inward to being outward or vise versa. At Erev, the net current across the membrane is 0
K+ selective leak channels
In general, resting potential is determined largely by K+ ions, because the
resting membrane is primarily permeable to K+ through K+-selective leak
Na+/K+ pump
proteins that hydrolyze ATP to pump the two ions against their concentration gradients - it pumps K+ back into the neuron and Na+ back out of it
1. Consumes ATP
2. 3:2 Na+/K+ Exchange
3. Electrogenic:
net outward INa hyperpolarization but contributes
less than 10% of Vrest.
Na+/K+ Pump consume up to 70% of ATPs in neurons (30% in other
cells) due to synaptic activities and action potentials.
Driving force
how strongly
an ion is driven electrochemically across a membrane
DF = Vm - Ex
- = inward flow
+ = outward flow
Ohm’s Law
V = I * R
I = current
V = voltage
R = resistance
how easily ions move across the membrane/ how many channels/how long do they stay open
More channels = lower resistance, higher conductance
g = conductance
g = 1/R
V = I/g
changes in Vm
ions inside and outside the cell do not vary from moment to moment, so change in resting potential arises from change in ion permeability (conductance due to opening and closing channels)
Passive properties
- equivalent circuits of the cell membrane
- distance (lamda)
- time(T1 and T2)
- propagation of AP along myelination
lamda (length constant)
T1 (membrane (input) time constant
delay in moving current into the cell
T2 conduction time constant
how long is the delay from synapse to initial segment (how quickly current will move down the axon)
small T2 = small delay
Myelination Facilitates Propagation of Signals
increase in rm —> increase in lamda
decrease in cm —> T2
Why Myelination Facilitates Propagation of Signals
Both factors improve the spread of the
action current, such that the action
potential jumps from node to node in high
speed, giving a high velocity of action
potential propagation. (ri is not affected
by myelination.
myelin affects on T2 and lamda
One key is to get the
nodes of Ranvier as far apart as they can be
without causing the action potential to fail
along the myelinated segment. This is
dictated by . The reduction in 2 is also
critically important in myelin’s ability to
increase conduction velocity from less than 1
m/sec in tiny
membrane capacitance
proportional to surface area
cm = Cm * 2pi a
When two conducting surfaces are separated by a non-conductor, they become a capacitor
Regenerative propagation
An action potential generated at one site
triggers the generation of a new action
potential at its nearby site. The new action
potential then triggers the generation of
another action potential at its downstream
site. This process goes on and on, so the
original action potential is propagated all
the way to the axon terminals.
Action potentials propagate at constant
amplitude and shape without losing its
strength (compare the amplitude of the
depolarization in E1 and E2) due to the
regenerative nature of the propagation
Saltatory Conduction
n a myelinated axon an
action potential appears to
jump from one node of
Ranvier to the next. That’s
because the myelinated
segment has little voltage-
gated Na+ channels; and so
current entering at a previous
node during an action
potential flows passively
along the myelinated
segment until it reaches the
next node to triger a new
action potential
Voltage Clamp
technique is an
experimental technique to manipulate
membrane potential (Vm) as such Vm is
kept (clamped) at a constant value.
It allows measuring membrane current
(Im) needed to maintain Vm to a constant
value during the clamping period
By measuring Im(t) at a “constant” Vm, one can calculate
the change of membrane conductance over time, gm(t), at this Vm.
Positive feedback
Action potentials are all-or-none and do
not vary in amplitude because they are
produced by a positive feedback loop. An
initial depolarization leads to opening of a
small number of voltage-gated Na+
channels (i.e., increasing gNa), which leads
to inflow Na+ and then further
depolarization, which in turn leads to
opening of more voltage-gated Na+
channels and then additional
depolarization. That cycle continues until
no additional depolarization can occur and
Na+ channels inactivate