Nco Duties Flashcards
What is one of the most important leadership situations you’ll face as an NCO?
Assuming leadership position
What FM covers the duties, responsibilities and authorities of a NCO?
FM 7-22.7, The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide
Who leads Soldiers at the action level where the important day-to-day fundamental work of the Army is mission oriented?
Who is the first to identify and teach Soldiers how to best use their strengths and help them detect and overcome their shortcomings?
Who is in the best position to secure the trust and confidence of Soldiers by leading by example
For what and to whom are Soldiers held accountable?
- For their actions
- To their fellow Soldiers
- To their leaders
- To their unit
- To the United States Army
What is Responsibility
Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do
What does Individual responsibility make a Soldier accountable for?
Personal conduct
What does Command responsibility make a Soldier accountable for
Refers to collective or organizational accountability, including how well the unit performs their missions
*Note: Commanders give military leaders the responsibility for what their sections, units, or organizations do or fail to do—NCOs are therefore responsible to fulfill not only their individual duties, but also to ensure that their team and unit are successful
What are the two basic types of authority in the Army? (2-21)
(1) Command authority
(2) General military authority
What is Command Authority? (2-22)
The authority leaders have over Soldiers by virtue of rank or assignment, originating with the President and may be supplemented by law or regulation
What are the two (2) most important responsibilities of a leader
Mission accomplishment
Welfare of soldiers
What determines the amount of responsibility delegated to you?
- Your mission
- Position you hold
- Willingness to accept responsibility
How is the authority of command that one individual exercises over others acquired?
Grade & assignment
What is a NCO’s principle duty and responsibility?
What are five (5) basic responsibilities of a NCO?
(1) Maintaining discipline
(2) Maintaining government property
(3) Training Soldiers
(4) Ensuring the welfare of the Soldiers
(5) Executing the mission
What is authority? (2-20)
Authority is the legitimate power of a leader to direct those subordinate to him/her or to take action within the scope of his/her position
What force is part of the equation in military discipline?
Authority of the NCO