Although this recommendation (for lung cancer) is category 2A, meaning that it is based on lower-level evidence, consensus opinion from the NCCN is
that screening is appropriate in these patients.
The NCCN now recommends lung cancer screening for select patients at high risk using _______.
helical low-dose CT screening.
High-risk, category 1 patients are those ________.
how many
How long
55 to 74 years old with at least a 30 pack-year history of smoking and smoking cessation for less than 15 years.
High-risk, category 2B patients are those at least ______.
How many
How long
50 years old with a 20 or more pack-year history of smoking and 1 additional risk factor (other than secondhand smoke).
A solid endobronchial nodule should be reexamined with low-dose CT in______ or
_______. If the nodule is still present,
1 month, or
immediately after vigorous coughing.
If the nodule is still present, bronchoscopy should be performed.
For nodules more than 8 mm at baseline consider___________.
positron emission tomography with CT should be considered.
Perform with biopsy or excision when results on positron emission tomography with CT are suspicious for lung cancer.
Nodules that increase in size during follow up
should be excised.
High-risk patients with a solid or part-solid lung nodule on baseline low-dose CT scan _______.
should have low-dose CT screening frequency based on the size of the nodule.
High-risk patients with no lung nodule on baseline low-dose CT scan should have________.
annual low-dose CT screening for 3 years and until age 74 years.
Routine lung-cancer screening is not recommended for __________.
low- or moderate-risk patients.
Screening frequency based on lesion size is different for high-risk patients with baseline_______
ground-glass opacity, ground-glass nodule, or nonsolid nodule on baseline low-dose CT scan.
Surgical excision should be considered for nodules that
increase in size and/or become solid or part solid during follow-up.
Smokers should always be counseled to _______.
Unanswered questions regarding lung cancer screening include who should be ______, optimal interval for _____, workup for _______and ways to minimize _________.
inconclusive findings,
intervention for patients with false-positive screening results.
The NCCN notes that risk and benefits of lung cancer screening with low-dose CT scans still add to the
controversy surrounding this intervention.
Cost is another concern, as each low-dose CT scan for lung cancer costs approximately _____ compared with $80 to $150 for a mammogram.
300 dollars
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LORI WILLIAMS,! That’s who!
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Lori Melinda Smith Williams
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Lori will!
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